I’ve long recommended Vocalpoint as a great panel to be a part of if you want to receive free coupons and deals. Over the last few years since I’ve signed up, I’ve periodically received coupons in the mail for totally free products just for being a member. You can learn more about how Vocalpoint works and what I’ve received by reading my article “Get Free Groceries in Ten Minutes: How to Receive Free Product Coupons in Two Steps”. Well, today I got another great deal thanks to Vocalpoint. Recently, they offered members a chance to sign up for a free $10 Craftsman gift card. They were actually out of gift cards when I tried to register, so I figured I was out of luck; but last week, I received one of these gift cards in the mail anyway! It appears that they made an effort to mail gift cards directly to members who didn’t get a chance to sign up the first time around.
Then this morning, I read on Hip2Save that Sears.com is offering an additional 15% off on select Craftsman tools today, June 15th only. I decided that this would be the best time to put my gift card to use! I got a Craftsman 9 x 11 in. Sandpaper 50-pk with Portfolio and Craftsman 5 Pc. Midget Utility Blades totally free thanks to my gift card. We needed sandpaper anyway, so this was perfect!

Click the image above to see my receipt
If you’re a member of Vocalpoint and received one of these gift cards in the mail, here’s how to maximize your savings:
1. Sign up or login to ShopatHome.com to receive 5% cashback on your purchase. New to ShopatHome and want to learn more? Click here to read my article “How I Save Money With Online Rebates”.
2. Click through to Sears.com and search for “Craftsman” to see their selection of tools. Select items are on sale for 15% off today only, June 15th.
3. Look for items that can be shipped to your local store for free pick-up. You can also opt to sign up for a free trial of their “Shipvantage” service for free shipping on certain items, which is what I ended up doing (More on this below).
4. Enter in your gift card at checkout to redeem your $10 credit!
I ended up signing up for a free trial of their “Shipvantage” service so that I could get free shipping on my order, since the item I wanted was out of stock at my local store. It was very confusing to set up, and you must cancel within 25 days of signing up or you will be automatically billed $79 – which is why I always urge people to use extreme caution when registering for free trial offers. You have to be careful and pay close attention to the fine print, or you could end up spending much more than you save! I can’t vouch for how easy it is to cancel the membership yet – I’ll do that after my order arrives – but according to some of the customer feedback I’ve read, it can be a real hassle to cancel. So just bear all that in mind if you place your own order, and I will report back with how it goes for me! 🙂