Last month I ordered a Victoria’s Secret hoodie and received a “Secret Rewards Card” with my order. This card is valid through the end of April, so if you also received one during this sale, be sure to use it soon! Each card is worth a minimum of $10, as mine was, but some are worth up to $500. Here’s how you can find out what’s on yours – add an item to your shopping cart and proceed to checkout. On the last page prior to placing the order, you will be able to enter in your card number and check the balance. If you have more than $10 on your card, you can keep shopping and add more items. I ended up buying 4 pairs of underwear on clearance that came to $11.96. Shipping is $5.99, so my total after Rewards Card was $7.95. This works out to $1.98 per pair, which is comparable to Ross prices; so all in all, a decent sale on a practical item. I also shopped through Ebates, although I had to reboot my computer halfway through my purchase and I forgot to re-open the tracking ticket – whoops! – so it probably won’t register the cashback for this purchase.