Decent shopping trip yesterday – picked up some things I needed for $5.08:

Total spent: $5.08
Total before coupons: $10.88
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4.46 pounds of chicken drumsticks – Originally $6.60, this chicken had been marked down to $4.59. I also had a coupon for $1 off any Foster Farms chicken, which I got in the mail from the company. Final price: $3.59.
I have a few of these Foster Farms coupons, and they expire at the end of this month, so I want to make sure that I use them. We’ve eaten our way through most (though not all) of the meat in the freezer, so this is good timing. I had such a stockpile of meat built up that I don’t think I’ve bought any since this trip in September.
5 four-packs of Cottonelle TP – on sale for $1.19. First, I used a coupon for .75 cents off, which I believe came from the Madre y Mujer coupon book; this made the first 4-pack .44 cents. Then I used four $1/1 printables that we received for signing up on the Cottonelle website – making the rest of the 4-packs .19 cents each.
The Madre y Mujer booklet is free to sign up for and has all kinds of good coupons in it – the form is in Spanish, but it’s easy to figure out even if you don’t speak the language.
1 head of garlic – price: .34 cents.
Next stop, Walgreens:
Total spent: Nothing out of pocket, put $3.32 on my rebate gift card
Total before coupons: $8.15
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1 gallon of milk – price: $2.19
1 package of coffee filters – price: $1.19
6 Reeses Whipps candy bars – used a coupon from the Walgreens sales flier to bring the price down to .49 cents each; then I was able to stack it with three $1/2 coupons from the 1/4 Smart Source newspaper inserts. Final price: Free plus .01 cent of overage each!
My final stop was Safeway, to pick up some half and half:
Total spent: Nothing out of pocket, put .76 cents on my free Safeway gift card
Total before coupons: $2.29
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1 quart of half and half – on sale for $2.29, used a catalina for $1.50 off my next grocery purchase that I received when I purchased coffee on Wednesday. Final price after catalina and bag credit: .76 cents.