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Archive for the ‘Safeway’ Category
Friday, March 27th, 2009
I had to run over to the next town for (yet another) visit to the podiatrist today. There is another Safeway near the doctor’s office, so I stopped by after my appointment to see what kind of deals I could get. I did alright, although I goofed up on one of my scenarios.
I got $28.27 worth of groceries for $2.27, and I have one $2 catalina left:

My first transaction:

Total spent: $2.00, and got $8 back in catalinas Total before coupons: $22.00 View receipt
I was hoping that this Safeway would also have the $1/1 Bertolli blinkie machine, but it was nowhere in sight. I still had 4 blinkies left over from my last trip, so I used those in conjunction with some other items in the promo. I had read on Hot Coupon World that there was a catalina deal on the Aquapods, but I messed it up – I thought that I would spend $1.50 per 8-pack, and get a $2 catalina back for every one purchased. But I was mistaken – the promo actually gives you a $2 catalina for every two 8-packs that you buy. Oh well!
So here’s what I got:
4 pouches of Bertolli pasta sauce – $1.50 each after the “Save $5” promo, used four $1/1 blinkies. Final price: .50 cents each, and I received $4 in catalinas back for the purchase. 1 bottle of Kraft salad dressing – one of the “Save $5 promo” items. This was $1.50 after the promo discount, and I had a $1/1 coupon that another customer had left on the shelf. Final price: .50 cents 5 eight-packs of Aquapod water – on sale for $1.50 after the “Save $5” promo; I received $4 back in catalinas for the purchase.
I then used the $10 in catalinas that I had earned on my last trip, bringing the total down to $2 and receiving $8 back in catalinas. Not the greatest use of my catalinas, since I misunderstood the promo and thought I’d be getting $14 back, but hey, the water will be good for my emergency stockpile.
Once I got back home, I ran over to my local Safeway to see if I could do better. Sadly, the blinkie machine there has been removed! I’ve heard before that these machines get rotated out about once a month, so I’m guessing that they’re changing the marketing around since March is almost over. This would explain why my readers have had such a hard time finding these!
But I still needed a few things, and since it looks like I won’t be able to roll these catalinas, I decided to spend them:

Total spent: .27 cents Total before coupons: $6.27 View receipt
2 gallons of milk – milk is normally $2.49 a gallon, but if you buy two gallons at a time, you save $1. We always need milk, so this seemed like a good investment. Final price: $1.99 each. 1 quart of half and half – price: $2.29.
I then used three of the $2 catalinas from the last trip, bringing the total to .27 cents; and I have one $2 catalina left over for next time.
Did anybody else manage to get in on the Bertolli deal before the blinkies disappeared?
Posted in Catalinas, Safeway | No Comments »
Wednesday, March 25th, 2009
So a few hours after my 100% savings trip, I checked the Safeway forum on Hot Coupon World, and read about a great catalina deal with Bertolli pasta sauce. I couldn’t wait to check it out, and since I’m only three minutes away from Safeway, I went back again to see what new goodies I could score:

$39.04 worth of groceries for $4.98; but I walked away with $10 in catalinas!
Here’s how I did it – my first transaction looked like this:

Total spent: $4.97 – but I got back $10 in catalinas! Total before coupons: $20.00 View receipt
I also earned one Power Pump reward during this trip.
10 Bertolli pasta sauce pouches – on sale for $1.50 each after the “Buy 10, Save $5” promo. There is a coupon machine right next to the Bertolli sauce at my store, containing coupons for $1 off one pouch. So I used ten of these $1/1 coupons, making the final price .50 cents per pouch. And, there’s a catalina deal going on now where you get a $2 catalina back for every two pouches that you buy! For those of you just joining us, “catalina” is a nickname for coupons that print out at the register – and this type are dollar off coupons that can be used towards anything on your next purchase (with narrow exclusions for alcohol and lotto tickets). For more info about catalinas, check out my articles here and here.
So with $10 worth of catalinas in my wallet, I went back for round two:

Total spent: .01 cent – and I got $6 in catalinas back! Total before coupons: $19.04 View receipt
7 Bertolli pasta sauce pouches – used seven more $1/1 coupons from the in-store display. Final price: .50 cents each. 2 bags of Fresh Express salad – I needed a few more items to qualify for the “Save $5” promo, and I’ve been enjoying this salad and wanting to pick up more. I used one $1/2 Fresh Express salads coupon that I found in a “blinkie” dispenser at Fred Meyer. After the “Save $5” discount and this coupon, the final price came to .25 cents per bag. 1 can of corn – this was also included in the promo, and I needed one more item to qualify. I like having canned stuff on hand, so this worked just fine! Final price: .75 cents. 1 pint of half and half – it was on my list anyway, and I needed a filler item. Final price: $1.29.
After my .03 cent bag credit, the total came to $6.01. I then paid with one penny cash and the $6 in catalinas that I had just earned – and I got back another $6 worth! So I walked out of the store with all these items plus $10 worth of catalinas to use next time. I plan to keep rolling this deal with the pasta sauce as many times as I can!

Also, for my local readers: someone on Hot Coupon World mentioned that they found the same $1/1 Bertolli coupons at Fred Meyer. So check there as well! This is a fantastic deal, and it’s really easy to do!
Posted in Catalinas, Produce Deals, Safeway | No Comments »
Wednesday, March 25th, 2009
There are some fantastic deals to be had at Safeway right now. Yesterday, I paid zero for my groceries – actually, they paid me .06 cents to take them!

Total spent: ZERO – they paid me .06 cents in bag credit! Total before coupons: $19.00 View receipt #1 View receipt #2
In order to best utilize my double coupons, I split this into two transactions. The first time, I got:
4 bags of No Yolks noodles – on sale for $1.25 each, used four .75/1 printables, which doubled, making them all free! And, whenever you bring your own bag to Safeway, you get a .03 cent bag credit – and since my total for the pasta was zero, they actually owed me .03 cents!
For the second transaction, I did another deal with the “Buy 10, save $5” promo:
2 packages of Dreamfields spaghetti – these come to $1.50 after the “Buy 10” promo, so I used two $1/1 printables, which doubled. Final price: free! 4 bags of Halls cough drops – these are .75 cents per bag after the promo, so I used two .75/1 printables and two “Buy One, Get One Free” tearpad coupons that I found at Safeway a few months back. Final price: free! 4 Del Monte fruit cups – on sale for .75 cents each after the promo, used two $1/2 printables, which doubled. Final price: free! And, because I had brought two reusable bags, I was paid another .03 cents in bag credit! (Note the six pennies in the photograph.)
The cashier had trouble ringing my second transaction up, so a manager came over and ended up re-ringing my items at customer service. She keyed some of the coupons and doubles in differently than I had expected because of some weirdness with the “Save $5” promo, but the math still worked out to be the same so it didn’t make a difference to me (I just thought I should point it out for anyone trying to make sense of my receipt). Also, she rang my .03 cent bag credit refund in a separate transaction from my groceries, and I did not get a receipt for that transaction.
Most of the employees at this Safeway know me, and as I was leaving one of them quipped, “So did you get $100 worth of stuff for $5?” to which I replied, “Actually, I made six cents!” (This is the same store where I was christened “Super Coupon Girl”.)
But this was only the start of my good deals at Safeway yesterday. Check back later today for part two – local readers take note, because I found an awesome new catalina deal that you won’t want to miss!
Posted in Produce Deals, Safeway | No Comments »
Wednesday, March 25th, 2009

Total spent : $15.00 View receipt
20 4-packs of TP – part of the “Buy 10, save $5” promo. Final price: .75 cents each.
No coupons on this one, just a good deal for this town. Some areas get good prices on toilet paper, but this isn’t one of them. Other than the few Cottonelle deals I’ve gotten, the only way I can save on toilet paper is when I’ve paid for it with overage or catalinas. I figured $15 for 80 rolls of toilet paper wasn’t bad – since it’s a necessity that’s always expensive, it’ll save me money in the long run to stock up now.
Posted in Safeway | No Comments »
Saturday, March 21st, 2009
I got a great deal on salad and fruit cups yesterday:
Total spent: .13 cents out of pocket, put .34 cents on my free Safeway gift card Total before coupons: $12.50 View receipt
Safeway has a promotion going this week where if you purchase 10 participating items, you will save $5 off your total. This has all kinds of interesting potential for good deals. Here’s how this scenario worked, and what I got:
8 Del Monte Fruit Natural Cups – when you buy 10 participating items, it brings the price of these cups down to .75 cents each. I used four printables for $1 off 2 cups, which doubled, making all 8 cups free! You can print two coupons per computer. 2 bags of Fresh Express salad – After the “Buy 10, save $5” discount, these were also .75 cents apiece. I found a “blinkie” coupon dispenser at Fred Meyer on Thursday night, which contained coupons for $1 off any two Fresh Express salads. This brought the final cost down to .25 cents a bag.
Another tip for Safeway shoppers – if you can’t find coupons for Fresh Express, you could do a similar scenario with 8 fruit cups and 2 pouches of Bertolli pasta sauce. There is a blinkie machine right next to the pasta sauce at my store, with coupons for $1 off one sauce pouch; and from what I’ve heard on Hot Coupon World, these coupons can be found at most Safeways. The pasta sauce is part of the promo and comes to $1.50 each after the $5 discount, so the blinkie coupons would bring the price down further to .50 cents apiece. So you could possibly get 8 fruit cups and two Bertolli pouches for $1.00 after the promo and coupons. Or if you really need pasta sauce, you could buy ten pouches, use ten coupons, and pay $5.00 total.
Posted in Produce Deals, Safeway | No Comments »
Friday, March 20th, 2009
Decent shopping trip yesterday – picked up some things I needed for $5.08:
My first stop was Fred Meyer:

Total spent: $5.08 Total before coupons: $10.88 View receipt
4.46 pounds of chicken drumsticks – Originally $6.60, this chicken had been marked down to $4.59. I also had a coupon for $1 off any Foster Farms chicken, which I got in the mail from the company. Final price: $3.59. I have a few of these Foster Farms coupons, and they expire at the end of this month, so I want to make sure that I use them. We’ve eaten our way through most (though not all) of the meat in the freezer, so this is good timing. I had such a stockpile of meat built up that I don’t think I’ve bought any since this trip in September. 5 four-packs of Cottonelle TP – on sale for $1.19. First, I used a coupon for .75 cents off, which I believe came from the Madre y Mujer coupon book; this made the first 4-pack .44 cents. Then I used four $1/1 printables that we received for signing up on the Cottonelle website – making the rest of the 4-packs .19 cents each. The Madre y Mujer booklet is free to sign up for and has all kinds of good coupons in it – the form is in Spanish, but it’s easy to figure out even if you don’t speak the language. 1 head of garlic – price: .34 cents.
Next stop, Walgreens:

Total spent: Nothing out of pocket, put $3.32 on my rebate gift card Total before coupons: $8.15 View receipt
1 gallon of milk – price: $2.19 1 package of coffee filters – price: $1.19 6 Reeses Whipps candy bars – used a coupon from the Walgreens sales flier to bring the price down to .49 cents each; then I was able to stack it with three $1/2 coupons from the 1/4 Smart Source newspaper inserts. Final price: Free plus .01 cent of overage each!
My final stop was Safeway, to pick up some half and half:

Total spent: Nothing out of pocket, put .76 cents on my free Safeway gift card Total before coupons: $2.29 View receipt
1 quart of half and half – on sale for $2.29, used a catalina for $1.50 off my next grocery purchase that I received when I purchased coffee on Wednesday. Final price after catalina and bag credit: .76 cents.
Posted in Fred Meyer, Safeway, Walgreens | No Comments »
Thursday, March 19th, 2009

Total spent – nothing out of pocket, put $13.90 on my free Safeway gift cards. And I got a $1.50 catalina back! Total before coupons: $15.43 View receipt
1 one-pound bag of Starbucks coffee – on sale for $7.99, used a coupon good for $1 off your groceries when you purchase Starbucks coffee, which I got from Food & Family magazine. This coupon also doubled, making the final price $6.49. And I also received a $1.50 catalina towards my next purchase for buying the coffee! Thanks to Hot Coupon World for the tip about this catalina. Food & Family is a recipe magazine that Kraft puts out – it used to be free to receive, and I signed up for it because it usually has coupons inside; but apparently they’re charging for subscriptions now. 1 box of gauze pads – final price: $3.09. 1 box of rolled gauze -final price: $2.29. I have to keep a bandage on my toe constantly, even though the nail surgery that I had happened in December. .87 pounds of broccoli – final price: $1.56. One onion (.63 pounds) – final price: .50 cents.
Posted in Produce Deals, Safeway | No Comments »
Saturday, March 14th, 2009

Total spent: $27.72 Total before coupons: $54.45 View receipt
I spent more than I normally would on this trip, for a special reason – it’s Jai’s birthday today! I asked him what he’d like to have for his birthday meal, and made my list around that, whether the items were on sale or not. But I was still able to save $26.73 with my coupons, so that was something.
Oh, and in case you were wondering: the birthday boy will be having Frosted Mini-Wheats, PB&J sandwiches, cheesecake, and cherry cola for his b-day celebration.
So on to what I bought:
.3 lbs of organic, fair trade coffee – I always need coffee! Final price: $3.00 1 12-pack of Wild Cherry Pepsi – Jai’s favorite! Final price: $4.59 1 2-litre of Cherry Coke – see above. Final price: $1.72 1 5 lb. bag of Gold Medal Flour – I was almost out of flour, and I will need it to make bread for those sandwiches! The Safeway brand was on sale for less, but completely sold out; so the cashier said that I could substitute this brand for the same price: $2.29. 1 box of Kellogg’s Frosted Mini-Wheats – on sale for $3.49, used one $1.50/1 catalina – I actually found this catalina at the checkout a while ago, because the customer in front of me didn’t want it. Final price: $1.99. 1 box of Safeway brand frosted mini-wheats – I only had one catalina, and the store brand was the cheapest option for a second box without coupons! There was a better deal on mini-wheats last week, but I just didn’t have time to check it out. Final price: $2.29. 1 jar of Strawberry Jam – $2.99. 1 jar of Peter Pan peanut butter – used a coupon from the Safeway sales flier to bring the price down to .99 cents; I was then able to stack it with this .50/1 printable, which doubled – making the final price: Free plus .01 cent overage! 2 packages of No-Yolks noodles – on sale for $1.25, used two .75/1 printables, which doubled – making the final price: Free! 4 bags of Purina cat chow – on sale for $2.00 each, used four $3.50/1 printables – you may print two per person, so Jai and I both signed up. I love these coupons, because they are good on any size or variety of Purina cat food – so I was able to use these on the lower priced bags, resulting in overage. Final price: Free plus $1.50 overage per bag! 1 carton of 18 eggs – used a coupon from the Safeway sales flier, which made the final price .97 cents. 2 packages of cream cheese – yum, cheesecake! Final price: $1.49 each. 2 gallons of milk – it’s a better deal to buy two, and we go through a lot of milk. Final price: $1.99 each. 1 lb of Land ‘O Lakes Butter – on sale for $2.99, used one .55/1 printable, which doubled – final price: $1.94. 1 bottle of Draino – no special deals here, just a clogged sink!! Final price: $3.49. 1 package of sponges – I don’t have a dishwasher, so I go through a lot of these. Final price: $1.50.
I also earned one power pump reward, and another 125 miles in the United Mileage Plus GroceryMiles program.
Posted in Safeway | No Comments »
Friday, February 27th, 2009
With everything that happened this month, I haven’t had a chance to post here very much. I have yet to post the results of my coupon road trip, or my January budget totals. But those can wait until another day, because I have to share the good deals that I snagged last night at Safeway’s special 4-day sale:

Total spent: $2.66 Total before coupons: $55.44 View receipt #1 View receipt #2 – some items rang up wrong in the first transaction, so this is the receipt for my refund.
There were some great coupons in this week’s Safeway sales flier. First, there was a coupon good for $10 off a $50 purchase. This coupon does not exclude the use of manufacturer’s coupons in conjunction with it, so what this essentially means is that you can redeem $40 worth of “free product” coupons, purchase $10 worth of items that you do not have coupons for, and get the whole thing for free. You see, manufacturer’s coupons are the same as cash to the store, since they are reimbursed for the full amount by the manufacturer, plus a shipping and handling fee. So it doesn’t really matter weather the $40 worth of merchandise is paid for with cash or a coupon, as the end result is the same for the store. Because of this, I horde my free product coupons until I have enough to use with one of these promotions. Of course, it is up to each store to set their own coupon policy, and I have heard that some Safeways make it their policy not to allow any other coupons in conjunction with the $10/50; but this is what my store’s policy is. Do note, your $40 worth of groceries must be after all Safeway store discounts, which includes club card savings and in-store Safeway-sponsored coupons.
Now that you know my strategy, here’s what I got:
.74 lbs of organic, fair trade coffee – Price: $5.91. Just in time, we were almost out!! One 2-liter bottle of Pepsi – used a coupon from the Safeway ad, good for one free Pepsi with any $10 or higher purchase! Final price: Free after coupon. 1 jar of Planters peanuts – used a free product coupon that I won playing Kraft’s So Good Together On Game Day instant win game (now expired). Final price: Free after coupon. 1 box of Frosted Mini-Wheats – used one Safeway store coupon to bring the price down to .99 cents, stacked with one .70/1 Kellogg’s cereal coupon from the 2/22 Red Plum newspaper inserts, which then doubled. Final price: Free plus .21 cents of overage after coupons and doubles. 1 box of Ritz crackers – used a free product coupon that I won playing Kraft’s So Good Together On Game Day instant win game (now expired). Final price: Free after coupon 2 cans of Select Harvest Clam Chowder – on sale for buy one, get one free, used one free product coupon that I received from this text message promotion. Final price: Free after coupon and sale! 2 jars of Star olives – used two free product coupons that I received for signing up for their newsletter a while ago – click here if you’d like to sign up. I have no idea if they are still sending out free product coupons, but they do say that you will receive “valuable coupons” for signing up, so it’s worthwhile nonetheless. Final price: Free after coupons. One 20 oz Dr. Pepper – used one free product coupon that I received from Axl Rose. Final price: Free after coupon. One 2-liter of Diet Dr. Pepper – used one free product coupon that I received for signing up on their website. Final price: Free after coupon. 1 bottle of Cascade – used one free product coupon that I received in the Home Made Simple coupon book. Final price: Free after coupon. 1 bottle of Clorox 2 – On sale for $7.79, used one free product coupon that I won in a blog giveaway at Family Musings. The coupon’s maximum value was $6.00, making the final price $1.79. One 8oz package of Kraft shredded cheese – used a free product coupon that I won playing Kraft’s So Good Together On Game Day instant win game (now expired). Final price: Free after coupon. 1 lb of butter – used a coupon from the Safeway ad, which brought the price down to .99 cents. That’s a great deal for butter; I would have bought more, but it was limit one with a $10 or higher purchase. 1 roll of bandage – no coupons or special sale here, I just needed it! Final price: $3.59
There was all kinds of wackiness during the first transaction, with some items ringing up at the wrong price, hence the second receipt for the return. I goofed the first time and got the wrong size of Clorox, which came up $9.69 instead of $7.79, so I went back and exchanged it; the computer also didn’t read one of my coupons.
This 4-day sale is pretty good even without a bunch of free coupons, so I hope my local readers get to check it out! I’m going to be out of town until Sunday, but leave me a comment if you get any good deals during the weekend – I’d like to hear how everyone else did!
Posted in Safeway | No Comments »
Tuesday, February 3rd, 2009
Today’s edition of the Oregonian includes a coupon for $10 off a $50 purchase at Safeway, according to this post by SuperBob0000 on Hot Coupon World. This can be found in the “FoodDay” section of the paper. It includes some other good Safeway coupons in addition to the $10/50 – there is one good for up to 2 gallons of Lucerne milk at $1.49 each. That’s the best price I’ve seen on milk for a long time, at least in this area.
Posted in Safeway | No Comments »