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Archive for the ‘Safeway’ Category
Tuesday, February 1st, 2011
While I’m in England, Jai is taking care of business for me stateside. We talk on Skype daily, and he updates me periodically on what mail has arrived while I’ve been away. One of the pieces of mail which arrived recently was a flier of great coupons from Safeway, including several for totally free items. These coupons were only good through the 31st, so Jai decided he would stop by Safeway and use the coupons himself so that they wouldn’t go to waste. He went coupon shopping on my behalf once before when I was sick, and that was a resounding success, so I was looking forward to seeing what he got.
I told Jai that these Safeway coupons require a minimum $10 purchase, so he should pick up $10 worth of stuff that he needed in addition to the free-after-coupon items. He smartly picked up essentials like milk, butter, and a bag of cheese to meet the purchase requirement. He even took a picture of what he bought, and scanned the receipt!
(And yes, that is a mattress behind the kitchen table. Apparently, Jai is working on some renovations while I am away and has been moving things around. ;))
Total spent: $13.86
Total before coupons: $20.73
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Jai got:
1 jar of Safeway salsa – normally $2.19, used one free coupon; final price: Free!
1 package of Mission tortillas – Jai had a free coupon for these also, but realized afterward that it was not deducted at the checkout, so he was overcharged by $1.89.
1 bag of Mission tortilla chips – regularly $3.29, used one free coupon; final price: Free!
1 package of butter – price: $2.99
1 bag of cheese – price: $6.99
1 bag of Safeway frozen vegetables – normally $1.39, used one free coupon; final price: Free!
1 gallon of milk – price: $1.99
So there you have it – Jai did an awesome job of filling in for Super Coupon Girl!
Posted in Life, Safeway | 4 Comments »
Sunday, January 9th, 2011
Since I’m leaving for England on Tuesday, I wanted to use up some good coupons that were going to expire during my trip and also pick up some supplies that I will need while traveling. First stop, Rite Aid:
Total spent: $15.92
Total before coupons & discounts: $23.47
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1 Almay eyeliner pencil – the Maybelline eyeliner I ordered from Soap.com isn’t bad, but it doesn’t wear well on the upper lid – so I bought my usual brand and will alternate between them! Regularly $7.49, and I used a coupon for 10% off my Rite Aid purchase that I earned last time I was in the store. Final price: $6.74
1 bag of Gardettos – I broke the cardinal rule and shopped while hungry! 😉 Regularly $2.99, paid $2.69 after my 10% discount.
1 pair of slippers – Regularly $12.99, these were marked down on clearance to $6.49 (10% did not apply to sale items). I’m going to need a warm pair of slippers while I’m in England, so this should do the trick!
Next stop, Safeway:
Total spent: $17.61
Total before coupons: $57.58
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2-liter of Mountain Breeze soda – last time I was in Safeway, I received a catalina for a free 2-liter of Safeway soda, up to .69 cents. The soda was actually priced at .99 cents plus .05 cents deposit, so I paid a total of .35 cents for it.
1/2 gallon of half & half – price: $3.79
1 package of Dramamine – for the flight! Price: $4.59
1 bottle of Extra Strength Excedrin – regularly $3.99, and I used one free coupon that I received through one of Excedrin’s many recent offers – final price: Free!
2 bottles of Excedrin Migraine – regularly $4.29 each, used two free coupons. Final price: Free!
2 packages of Stayfree – regularly $2.99 each, used one “Buy One, Get One Free” printable coupon – the coupon deducted the full amount of $3.49, so I received .50 cents overage. Final price: $2.49 for both.
1 box of Garnier Herbashine haircolor – regularly $3.24, used one free coupon from a recent offer – final price: Free!
1 bottle of Alba shave gel – I bought this to take with me on my trip, because I need a non-aerosol bottle to pack in my suitcase and this is one of the few brands that I know I can use without an allergic reaction. Price: $6.39 (Ouch!)
2 bags of Tyson Any’Tizers (BBQ Wings & Chicken Fries) – normally $9.99 each, used two free coupons. Final price: Free! Tyson sent me these free coupons because we have a fun giveaway for Super Coupon Girl readers in the works. 🙂
Posted in Rite Aid, Safeway | No Comments »
Thursday, December 16th, 2010
This is a unique offer for Facebook users: Click here to “Like” Safeway on Facebook, and click on the “Ornamize Me!” app. Create a virtual ornament to send to your friends, and if five of your friends create an ornament also, you could earn a $5 Safeway gift card – this offer is open to the first 1,000 users. This offer just launched, so hurry if you want to try for a gift card. If you need someone to send an ornament too, feel free to send one to me! 😀
Posted in Gift cards, Online deals, Safeway | No Comments »
Saturday, December 11th, 2010
Because of my knee injury, I’m not doing a ton of shopping expeditions at the moment. And thanks to my Dormzy order, Jai picking up the odd gallon of milk or half and half when we run out, and what we have on hand, there’s not too much that we need. However, I made a brief trip to Safeway on Thursday so that I could use a few coupons:
Total spent: $5.48
Total before coupons: $20.96
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2 bags of Tyson chicken nuggets – regularly $6.99 each, used two free product coupons. Final price: Free! Tyson sent me these free coupons because we have a giveaway for Super Coupon Girl readers in the works – so stay tuned for your chance to win some great free coupons of your own!
1 package of Kotex – price: $3.49
1 package of Stayfree – regularly $3.49, used a $1.00/1 coupon from the February 2010 issue of Family Circle magazine, which I got through a free subscription offer. This coupon also doubled, making the final price $1.99.
Posted in Safeway | No Comments »
Friday, November 26th, 2010
I did a big stock-up on groceries last Friday in order to take advantage of some great coupons. We got a flier in the mail from Safeway that was filled with coupons for totally free Safeway-brand products, along with other nice savings, including a coupon for $10 off a purchase of $50 or more. I only needed around $20 worth of groceries, but since I had the $10 off $50 coupon, I decided that this would be a perfect time to save by stocking up on some extra supplies that we always need anyway.
Total spent: $47.33
Total before coupons: $93.74
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.40 lbs of Millstone coffee – regularly $3.84, used a coupon that was on display in the coffee aisle for $1.00 off any Millstone purchase of half a pound or more, which doubled; final price: $2.34
1 bottle of ketchup – normally $2.49, used a free product coupon from the flier which Safeway mailed to us. Final price: Free!
2-lb bag of powdered sugar – normally $1.99, used a coupon for .50 cents off from the Safeway “Big Thanksgiving Coupon Book” which I found in the store. Final price: $1.49
1 bottle of ranch dressing – price: .99 cents
1 box of jumbo taco shells – normally $1.89, used a free product coupon from the flier which Safeway mailed to us. Final price: Free!
1 jar of pasta sauce – normally $2.29, used a free product coupon from the flier which Safeway mailed to us. Final price: Free!
1 box of fettuccine – normally .99 cents, used a free product coupon from the flier which Safeway mailed to us. Final price: Free!
Two 11.3 oz canisters of Foldgers coffee – normally $5.29, I used two $1.00 off peelie coupons, found on the products; however, looking at my receipt now, it appears that only one was deducted.
1 box of Barilla pasta – regularly $2.49, used one free coupon from last month’s Vocalpoint offer. Final price: Free!
Two 24-packs of bath tissue (double rolls, equivalent to 96 regular rolls total) – regularly $10.99 each, used a store coupon from the weekly sales flier to bring the price down to $8.88 each – final total for both: $17.76
80 count box of Bounce dryer sheets – regularly $3.99, used a $2.00 off coupon, which doubled; final price: $1.49. My Grandma saved this coupon for me – she cut it out of the packaging from another product that she bought.
Two one-dozen cartons of eggs – regularly .99 cents each, used this printable coupons for .55 cents off two dozen, which doubled – final price: .93 cents for both cartons. FYI: I just found out that the fine print on the Safeway doubler coupon now excludes Internet printables – I was not aware of this at the time. Safeway has been making a lot of frequent changes to their coupon policy, so it can be hard to keep up with them sometimes!
1 package of Swiss Cheese slices – regularly $2.99, used a coupon for $1.50 off from the flier which Safeway mailed to us. Final price: $1.49.
8 oz bag of shredded cheese – regularly $2.49, used a coupon for $1.50 off from the flier which Safeway mailed to us. Final price: .99 cents
1 bottle of Coffee-Mate – regularly $2.99, used a coupon from the weekly sales flier to bring the price down to $1.99.
1 gallon of milk – price: $1.99
5 Michelina’s frozen dinners – regularly $1.00 each, used a coupon for $1.00/5 which came from another Safeway booklet that was in store last month (These are the coupon booklets that are blue and are marked “Over $70 in savings”). This coupon doubled, making the final price: .70 cents each.
1 InStyle Magazine – price: $3.99. I bought this because The Love Story is mentioned in this month’s InStyle, but as it turned out, I grabbed the wrong issue – it’s in the December edition, but the one I bought was November’s issue. Although the new issue came out last week, our local stores haven’t gotten their shipment in yet, so I am eager to see it!
1 24-count bottle of Advil – regularly $4.49, used one free coupon from last month’s free offer. Final price: Free!
1 8-count bag of hamburger buns – regularly $1.29, used a coupon for .50 cents off from the flier which Safeway mailed to us. Final price: .79 cents.
1 package of ground beef – regularly $11.52, used a coupon for $3.00 off from the flier which Safeway mailed to us. Final price: $8.52
1 bag of Fresh Express salad – regularly $1.49, used a coupon for $1.00 off from the flier which Safeway mailed to us. Final price: .49 cents
Posted in Safeway | No Comments »
Friday, November 12th, 2010
I haven’t done much shopping recently, because we haven’t really needed anything. Between the produce from The Pumpkin Patch, our big box of jumbo frozen meals, and what we have in the cupboards, we’ve been pretty set for meals. Jai has picked up the odd gallon of milk or two for me, but other than that, there’s not much to report. But I did stop by Safeway briefly on Tuesday:
Total spent: $3.99
Total before coupons: $9.57
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2 jars of Dean’s Dip – regularly $2.79, used two free product coupons that I received from the company. They sent me these coupons in order to write a review of Dean’s Dip on my Facebook page.
1 half gallon of half & half – just stocking up because I knew we would need this later in the week! Price: $3.99
Now, you must be wondering – why would I buy dip without chips or veggies to eat with it? Well, a friend of ours actually gave us a huge box of various potato chips last week; so the Dean’s Dip coupons arrived at a good time!
Posted in Safeway | 2 Comments »
Saturday, October 2nd, 2010
On Tuesday, I used the rest of my prescription gift card in conjunction with some good coupons to get $37.11 worth of groceries for $5.05 out of pocket:
Total spent: $5.05 out of pocket, put $20.22 on the gift card I earned by filling a prescription at Safeway.
Total before coupons: $37.11
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2-liter of Refreshe cola – recently, I signed up for a free sample of Refreshe soda on the Safeway website (Offer has since expired). They actually delivered the sample in the form of a free product coupon, so I was able to pick up this 1-liter of cola (regularly .99 cents) for free – less the cost of the .05 bottle deposit, which I will get back later!
26 oz can of spaghetti sauce – regularly $1.69, I found this on clearance for 50% off, making the final price .84 cents. This will be great for making lasagna!
Two 2-lb bags of cheese – $3.99 each, total price for both: $7.98
2 Banquet fruit pies – regularly .79 cents each; I found a coupon booklet in Safeway with a variety of offers, including a coupon for .50 cents off two fruit pies. This coupon doubled, making the final price .29 cents each. These Safeway coupon booklets are blue and are marked “Over $70 in savings” – they can be found throughout the store, so keep your eyes peeled!
1 quart of Coffee-Mate – regularly $2.99, used a $1.00/1 coupon from the Safeway coupon booklet, which doubled; final price: $1.49.
5 Michelina’s frozen dinners – regularly $1.00 each, used a coupon from the Safeway booklet for $1.00/5, which doubled; final price: .70 cents each.
3.75 lb Cook’s pork shoulder – we’ve eaten a lot of Cook’s pork in recent months! 🙂 Regularly $7.46, used a $5 off coupon that I received after writing to the company, which doubled; final price: $1.96.
3.55 lbs of bananas – price: $2.45
2 green bell peppers – .79 cents each, total price: $1.58 for both
1.20 lbs of zucchini – price: $1.19
2.16 lbs of cabbage – price: $1.06
6 ears of corn – price: $2.00 for all six ears
2 lb bag of carrots – on sale for $1.09, used one .50/1 coupon that I got by writing to the company; final price: .59 cents.

Jai was impressed with my deals! 😉
Posted in Safeway | 3 Comments »
Friday, October 1st, 2010
Last Saturday, I made a quick trip to Safeway to pick up a few items we needed. This cost me nothing out of pocket, thanks to the gift card I earned by filling a prescription at Safeway!
Total spent: Nothing out of pocket, put $9.78 on my gift card
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Half gallon of half & half – price: $3.99
5lb bag of sugar – price: $3.29
1 Sunday newspaper – price: $2.50
Posted in Safeway | 1 Comment »
Wednesday, September 29th, 2010
You may recall that back in July, I transferred a $7 prescription to Rite Aid and earned a $25 gift card. I’ve talked a lot about prescription coupons, and how you can sometimes use them to help offset your RX cost or even make a profit. I had one refill left on the Naproxen prescription for my knee problems, so I decided to check out the trading forums on Hot Coupon World and see if I could find a prescription transfer coupon for another local store. (I wrote about trading coupons in-depth recently – click here to read my article if you missed it!) I posted what I was looking for in the forum, and that same afternoon I heard from another member who had a coupon good for a $30 gift card with a transferred prescription at Safeway. I traded $6.44 in PayPal handling fees for the coupon, and received it in the mail a few days later.
Once I received the coupon, I refilled my prescription at Safeway for $12.39 – and received a $30 Safeway gift card! Not only did this essentially pay for my prescription, but I also earned a significant profit: After factoring in the cost of my prescription plus the amount I spent in handling fees for the coupon, I’m still $11.17 ahead! This is a great example of why it’s worth shopping around when you have a prescription to fill. Although Safeway charges almost double what Rite Aid does to fill this same prescription, having an coupon meant that I actually earned a profit by filling my RX there!
Posted in Prescription Deals, Safeway | 8 Comments »
Friday, September 10th, 2010
We didn’t need much from the store this week – just a few supplies to supplement what we had on hand. I stopped by Safeway on Tuesday and picked up oatmeal, 2 bags of cheese, bananas, a bell pepper, and a yellow squash for $15.49 – click here for the receipt. Jai also made a quick trip to a local mini mart one morning when we ran out of coffee, and picked up a few things for $12.
Posted in Safeway | No Comments »