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Archive for the ‘Safeway’ Category
Tuesday, May 15th, 2012
Tomorrow, May 16th, I will be heading into Portland to attend a special Safeway blogger event called #Safewayj4U. This event will give me the opportunity to get a sneak peek at a new savings program that Safeway is unveiling as well as the chance to meet other local bloggers. Since I’ve already spent so much time researching Safeway’s various discount and coupon programs in order to maximize my savings, I’m excited to get a first look at the new program which they’ll be rolling out and have the chance to ask the Safeway team questions about it. Perfect opportunity for a coupon nerd like me to pick their brains, right? ๐ Plus I can’t wait to meet other amazing coupon bloggers in the area! It’ll be a lot of fun, and once I come back I’ll have a full recap for you with info about the program.
Posted in Life, Safeway | 7 Comments »
Thursday, April 19th, 2012
As I mentioned in my last post, we’ve been eating a lot from the pantry for the last month or so, and we haven’t bought much at the store as a result. Today, I sent Jai to the store to pick up some milk, return some cans, and use a few free coupons:
Total spent: $6.70, put onto a gift card
Total before coupons/bottle return slips: $25.81
View receipt
1 can of Dole pineapple – regularly $1.79, used one free product coupon which I received through a Twitter party. Final price: Free!
1 package of Kraft Fresh Take Breadcrumb & Cheese mix – regularly $3.99, used one free product coupon which I received through the Kraft First Taste offer. Final price: Free!
2 dozen eggs – Regularly $1.59 each, used one printable coupon good for .55 cents off two dozen eggs. Final price: $2.63 for both cartons.
2 large bottles of Coffee-Mate – regularly $3.59 each, used two free coupons that Jai and I received from Coffee-Mate’s Free Flavor Friday promotion. Final price: Free!
1 gallon of milk – price: $2.69
2 packages of Stayfree – price: $3.49 each
Jai then used $5.60 in bottle return slips to bring the total down to $6.70.
Posted in Safeway | 18 Comments »
Wednesday, April 4th, 2012
Over the last two weeks or so, we’ve been doing an unofficial “Eat from the pantry” challenge to use up what we have on hand. This is a great way to both save money and clear out space. With what we have in the pantry, we’ve been making dishes like pasta, chili, burritos, sandwiches, etc. As a result, we’ve only stopped by the store to get milk & coffee creamer. Now that reserves are running a bit low, I sent Jai to the store this morning to take advantage of some sales and use some free product coupons. Here’s what he got:
Total spent: $7.37
Total before coupons: $29.63
View receipt
Three 4-lb bags of sugar – price: $1.99 each. This was a 24-hour sale good today only, so Jai stocked up on three bags because of the good price.
1 can of Libby’s pickled beets – regularly $1.99, used one free product coupon. Final price: Free. This coupon had no expiration date and has been in my stash for a long time – I got it through a Twitter party that I attended ages ago.
2 dozen eggs – regularly $1.59 each, used one .55 cents off two dozen coupon, which doubled. Final price: $1.06 and $1.07 each, respectively.
2.58 lbs of carrots – price: $1.52
1 bag of Ocean Spray Craisins – regularly $2.00, used one free product coupon. Final price: Free, plus the coupon appears to have taken off its maximum value, resulting in overage of $1.25. This came through a free sample offer on their Facebook page (Now expired) – I received a sample of Craisins plus the free coupon for another bag. I had no idea that the free sample came with a free coupon too, so that was a really nice surprise!
3 tubs of Sabra Hummus – regularly $4.99 each, used three free product coupons. Final price: Free. These coupons have also been in my stash for some time – I received them as part of a project I did on Contest Corner.
It also appears that the cashier doubled two other coupons in the transaction as well – I’m not sure why, since I wasn’t there.
Posted in Safeway | 7 Comments »
Friday, February 17th, 2012
Has February been as crazy for you guys as it has been for us? It’s been one of those months where everything breaks down at once. We kicked off February 1st with a broken furnace, which had me wringing my hands envisioning what it would cost to replace. Luckily for me, Jai figured out what was wrong and how to change out the part himself – and the best part? It only cost $44. How’s that for frugal? Almost as soon as that emergency was dealt with, my desktop PC got hammered by a nasty rootkit virus that resulted in having to reload everything, leaving it down for the count for almost a week. Luckily, we haven’t had any disasters occur so far this week! ๐
But despite all this, I’ve actually managed to do several coupon shopping trips – hooray for healing kneecaps! Since I have many to report, I’m just going to give you a quick overview of each one. I don’t have all the receipts in front of me since my work area is torn up (Jai has also been working on additions to a custom desk he built for me amidst all this chaos!) so I’ll just give you a summary.
Safeway, January 27th:
I used a $1/1 Activia coupon from the 1/15 SmartSource insert to get the yogurt for .38 cents after doubles, and a .50/1 Carefree coupon from SheSpeaks to get the pantiliners for free.
Our Safeway did not have one of the items I needed in stock, so we headed up to Astoria and bought milk, half and half, and Bertolli Meal Soup, which was free after coupons provided by the company for the purposes of writing an article on Contest Corner.
Dollar Tree, January 27th:
We stopped by Dollar Tree on the way home from Astoria to pick up a variety of supplies for $1 each. I liked to stock up on rice, beans, and canned tomatoes whenever I’m there in order to make chili. It’s actually cheaper to buy canned tomatoes than fresh at the moment!
Safeway, February 2nd:
Jai went to the store on my behalf and picked up milk, half and half, 4 boxes of Barilla pasta, and 2 packages of Stayfree. The pasta was free plus .20 cents overage after using four .55/1 coupons which doubled; one of the Stayfree packages was also free using a “Buy One, Get One Free” coupon. I received these coupons through trading (More on that below).
Safeway, February 6th:
This was another trip that Jai did on my behalf because I wasn’t feeling well. I gave him a detailed list with many coupons, and he did great! He got a paper, a gallon of milk, 4 quarts of half & half, 4 boxes of pasta, 1 bag of 6 turkey burger patties, and one Fresh Express Salad Kit. The turkey burgers were $3.99 after a printable coupon paired with an in-store coupon (More on that here), and the pasta was free plus .20 cents overage after using four .55/1 coupons which doubled. The salad kit should have been free, because it was on sale for $2 and he had a $2 off coupon. However, when he was assembling his coupons at the checkout, the salad coupon accidentally got sucked under the conveyor belt!! Oh, the crazy mishaps that can occur when you use coupons! Oh well, I was still super happy with the deals he got. The instructions I have him were somewhat complicated and he did a fab job following it to a T!
Safeway, February 14th:
I bought 4 packages of Stayfree and used two “Buy One, Get One Free” coupons and two $1/1 printable coupons, which I got while signing up for a free sample. My final cost for all four was $3.98.
Safeway, February 16th:
Finally, we have yesterday’s shopping trip. This was for a project I am working on over at Contest Corner to assemble a cold & flu kit. I will be reimbursed for what I bought and compensated for the project. All told, my total was $36.03. I got Florida’s Natural orange juice, Clorox Disinfecting Wipes, AirChews, Caltrate chews ($8.99 after using a $1/1 printable coupon – that’s my referral link, FYI.), the new issue of Rolling Stone, a tub of yogurt that was on 50% markdown, a gallon of milk that was on 50% markdown, two boxes of Kleenex which were .99 cents each after using a coupon from the store circular, and three bottles of International Delight, which were $1.44 each after using three .75/1 coupons, which doubled. These coupons also came through a trade.
Part of this project was to create a Google+ photo album documenting my shopping trip. If you’ve ever wondered what it looks like when I go shopping and how I organize it, it might be of interest to you to check out. You can view the photo album here.
Phew! That was a lot of trips to cover! As you can see, I’m getting back into the swing of things little by little. It’s hard dealing with limited mobility, but when I stop and look at all those shopping trips it’s a reminder of how far I’ve come from even a few months ago. As I mentioned earlier in the post, I’ve even had a chance to start coupon trading again – if you don’t know what that is, click here to read my article about it. I got the Stayfree BOGO coupons, .55/1 Barilla coupons, .75/1 International Delight coupons, and a few others in exchange for three Forever stamps. Normally, I factor in the cost of the stamps when figuring out how much I’ll save through trading, but this time the stamps were actually free. You see, I recently began participating in a program where I report on mail that I receive. They send me catalogs and other periodicals, and I call an automated hotline to report what date I received them on, to help them track their promotions, work out their mailing schedule, that sort of thing. It only takes a few moments to do when the mail comes in, and to thank me for participating, I receive 10 Forever stamps each month. Occasionally, the periodicals I receive include manufacturer’s coupons, which is an added bonus! For the time it takes me to do, I consider it a good investment since these stamps can in turn can be traded for coupons that get me great deals. The program which I participate in is invite-only and has specifically asked for its info not to be posted online, which is why I’m not linking to them.
Oh, and if you’d like to get an idea of what we’ve been eating, you can click here to check out my crockpot chili recipe. I’ve been chopping the turkey burgers into pieces to stretch them and bulk out the chili. It’s such a frugal, easy, and tasty dish – in fact, I have some of this chili in the slow cooker as we speak! ๐
What deals have you gotten this month?
Posted in Dollar Tree, Safeway | 6 Comments »
Sunday, January 15th, 2012
I made a quick trip to Safeway tonight:
Total spent: Nothing out of pocket, put $7.34 on a Visa gift card
Total before coupons: $11.84
View receipt
3 packages of Carefree Acti-Fresh pantiliners, 22-ct – on sale for .99 cents each. Used three coupons, each good for .50 cents off, which doubled; final price for all three: Free plus .03 cents overage. I received these coupons through SheSpeaks, which is a product testing community. It’s free to join, and I was able to participate in a product testing campaign for Carefree. Not only did I receive a free product in exchange for taking a survey and sharing my thoughts, but it also came with a nice stack of product coupons!
1 package of Stayfree pads, 16 ct. – regularly $2.79, used a $1.00 off coupon, which doubled; final price: $1.29. I received this coupon through the same SheSpeaks package mentioned above.
2 quarts of half & half – price for both: $3.58
1 Sunday newspaper – looking forward to re-building my coupon stash this year! Price: $2.50
Oh, and in case you were wondering about the name on my receipt…while I was transferring items between purses last year, I ended up misplacing my Safeway card. I found it again the other day – or so I thought. Turns out, this is actually my dad’s old Club Card! I guess mine is still MIA! ๐
Posted in Safeway | 1 Comment »
Tuesday, January 3rd, 2012
Last Friday, I went through my coupon stash so that I could redeem any coupons that were expiring at the end of the month and purge anything that wasn’t going to be used. Jai then headed to Safeway with a handful of coupons in tow and got the following:
Total spent: $0.00 – Nothing!
Total before coupons: $20.68
View receipt
5 boxes of Fiber Plus bars – regularly $2.50, used five free product coupons. I received these coupons as a surprise thank-you for hosting the Kelloggโs FiberPlus giveaway.
1 bottle of Trop50 Lemonade – regularly $3.69, used one free product coupon. I received this coupon in order to write an upcoming review for Contest Corner.
1 tub of Open Nature Ice Cream – regularly $4.49, used one free product coupon. I received this coupon thanks to the free offer on Safeway’s Facebook page back in September (Now expired).
What was your last deal for 2011?
Posted in Safeway | 5 Comments »
Friday, October 28th, 2011
On Tuesday I went to Safeway and got to redeem some coupons for the first time in a while! My knees are slowly getting better so I’m starting to have more mobility. Although I was pretty sore navigating through Safeway, I’m hopeful that I will be able to slowly resume my shopping trips now!
I had 10 free coupons to redeem for Slim-Fast, because I am working with the company on a review over on Contest Corner. (You can check out my review here if you’re interested – I’m also running a gift card giveaway alongside it!) As you can imagine, shipping coupons for free items is much less expensive than shipping heavy samples of a product, so companies often send me free coupons as a way to try their items when I’m putting together an article for them. So here’s what I got:
Total spent: $3.49
Total before coupons: $64.89
View receipt
1 canister of Slim-Fast drink mix
3 boxes of Slim-Fast bars
6 four-packs of Slim-Fast shakes
1 package of Stayfree
What kind of deals have you been getting lately, readers?
Posted in Safeway | 10 Comments »
Tuesday, May 17th, 2011
Since I’ve been gone for almost four months, we’re a little low on food, so I’ve been re-stocking our supplies over the last week. I made a trip to Dollar Tree and Safeway yesterday – first up, Dollar Tree:
Total spent: $24.00
View receipt
1 package of napkins – Price: $1.00
2 bags of rice – Price: $2.00
2 bags of pinto beans – Price: $2.00
2 bags of kidney beans – Price: $2.00
2 two-packs of chandelier light bulbs – For the chandelier in my living room – great price! Price: $2.00
3 boxes of quart bags, 22-count – I will need these for freezing all the onions I bought last week! ๐ Price: $3.00
2 packages of gallon-size freezer bags, 12-count – Price: $2.00
1 phone coupler and 1 USB cable – Jai picked these items up for his computer business – Price: $2.00
1 roll of foil – Price: $1.00
3 packages of tortillas – Price: $3.00
1 large can of crushed tomatoes – Price: $1.00
1 package of ant traps – Good price, so I’m planning ahead with this purchase since we seem to need these every summer! Price: $1.00
1 bottle of dish soap – I actually received a gallon of dish soap for a review last month, and we needed a smaller bottle to keep by the sink since the gallon container is unwieldy. We decided that the best thing to do would be to grab a bottle of this inexpensive dish soap, and then re-use the bottle once it is empty! Price: $1.00
1 package of Jalapeno cheese slices – I thought these would be good to cut up and melt in burritos or chili – Price: $1.00
Next stop, Safeway, where I did two transactions and got the following items:
Transaction #1:
Total spent: $8.10
Total before coupons & promotions: $11.20
View receipt
Four boxes of General Mills cereal – on sale for $1.99 when you buy four boxes, and I used two coupons for $1.00/2 GM cereals that came from a coupon booklet that I found in the store. These coupons also doubled, making the final price $4.96 for all four, and I received a catalina for a free gallon of milk for purchasing the cereal. (Thanks for Frugal Living NW for this tip!)
1 Carefree sample – This sample is free with your Safeway club card (Or .10 without a club card) – you can find the display with it in the feminine care aisle. Price: Free!
1 bottle of wine – Price: $3.14
Remember the crazy receipt I received last time I was in Safeway? Well, unfortunately it looks like they are keeping that format. On this receipt, you will notice that one of my coupons is not even mentioned on the receipt, even though I saw it scan correctly, and I know it deducted from the total because the final price is correct. This is going to be a pain, since it will make it trickier to ensure that everything scans correctly at checkout going forward. Has anyone else noticed their Safeway receipts have changed format, or is it just this store?
Transaction #2:
Total spent: $2.50
Total before coupons: $5.39
View receipt
1 gallon of milk – Regularly $2.89, used the free milk catalina that I received during the first transaction. Final price: Free!
1 Sunday paper – I forgot to get one the day before, but I lucked out and got the very last one that they had! Price: $2.50
Posted in Dollar Tree, Safeway | 2 Comments »
Saturday, May 14th, 2011
I stopped by Safeway on Thursday to pick up a few things:
Total spent: $25.84
Total before coupons & club card: $60.17
View receipt
17.49 lbs of onions and one head of cilantro – the onions were on sale for .25 cents per pound, and the cilantro was .79 cents. I used a coupon good for $1.00 off your produce purchase of $5.00 or greater which I got through this offer (Both Jai and I were able to sign up for this offer, and it allowed two prints per person). This brought my final total to just $4.17 for 17 and a half pounds of onions and the cilantro. Now, I know what you’re thinking….17 pounds?! ๐ But .25 cents per pound is a fantastic price for onions – in fact, I don’t think I’ve ever seen it so low. Onions are a staple in the dishes I make, and they freeze beautifully, so I will be chopping these and freezing them in ziploc bags. This will save us money and time, since having pre-chopped onion on hand is very handy!
1 bag of black beans – price: $1.49
1 bag of Great Northern beans – price: .99 cents
1 can of diced tomatoes – price: .69 cents. As you might have guessed from the other purchases, one of the dishes I plan to make this week is chili. I had originally planned to buy fresh tomatoes, but the prices were so high that it was significantly cheaper to buy a can instead; and this will actually work better for chili anyway, especially since it also has chopped green peppers mixed in!
2 boxes of Frosted Mini Wheats Touch of Fruit – on sale for $2.19 each through the “Buy 4, save $4” cereal promo, and I used two $1/1 coupons that I received through a sample from Vocalpoint. These coupons also doubled, making the final cost .69 cents per box.
2 boxes of Raisin Bran – I needed two more boxes of cereal to qualify for the “Buy 4” promo, and this was the cheapest option. Regularly $1.79 each, I used two .70/1 printables to bring the final total down to $2.18 for both.
1 box of Smart Start cereal – I had printed a coupon for this in case it was included in the “Buy 4” promo. It wasn’t, but I noticed that it had a “Try-Me-Free” rebate on the box, so this ended up being a bonus! Regularly $2.99, I used a $1/1 printable to bring the price down to $1.99. It will be free minus the cost of a stamp after rebate – possibly with a small profit if they refund me the pre-coupon amount.
12-pack of toilet paper (double rolls) – this was on sale for $5.49, which is a stock-up price for this area, so I bought one to take advantage of the price.
2 quarts of half & half – $1.50 each, final price: $3.00 for both
1 gallon of milk – price: $2.49
3 bottles of Pine-Sol – regularly $2.99 each. First, I used an in-store Safeway coupon to bring the price down to $1.49 each. I then stacked this with two manufacturer’s printable coupons for $1/1, and one .50/1 hangtag coupon that was on the product itself, which doubled. This brought the final price down to .49 cents each – $1.47 total for all three.
Thanks to Frugal Living NW for their Safeway coupon match-up! You can see all of their deal scenarios for this week here.
If you check out my scan of the receipt, you’ll notice that it’s one of the most convoluted receipts you’ve ever read. The coupon deductions are listed all over the receipt, and the product prices are inconsistent; some prices are displayed with the coupon savings factored in, some prices are displayed before coupon deductions, and some prices are totally random and don’t match up with the cost before OR after coupons! The final total that I paid was just a few cents higher than the total I had projected, so I’m going to assume that everything rang up correctly, because there’s really no way to tell. I’ve gotten a receipt that looked like this once before, so I’m going to hope that it’s a register quirk and not their new format!
Posted in Safeway | 5 Comments »
Thursday, May 12th, 2011
Now that I’m back home, I’ve been busy unpacking and getting caught up. I headed out to do some shopping last Saturday to stock up on some supplies and check out my new favorite store: Dollar Tree!
Total spent: $15.50
View receipt
Yes, Dollar Tree has opened a new location in my area! I can’t tell you how excited this makes me. We don’t have any other dollar stores in the area currently, so this will make a big difference in my budget – not to mention, I also consider Dollar Tree to be the best dollar store because of what they carry. So I was excited for my very first visit! Here’s what I picked up on my first trip:
1 bottle of Vanilla extract – Killer deal on this item, so I had to grab a bottle! Price: $1.00
1 tooth whitening kit – Just for fun, thought I’d give this a try! Price: $1.00
1 box of Crunch & Munch – Jai wanted this! ๐ Price: $1.00
1 package of fig bars – This was Jai’s also! Price: $1.00
1 box of sleep aid – Price: $1.00
1 package of lithium batteries – This item was another fabulous buy – Price: $1.00
1 balloon – Price: $1.00
1 box of Brillo pads with soap – Price: $1.00
1 package of scrubber sponges – Price: $1.00
1 package of regular sponges – Whenever I’ve visited Dollar Tree stores in the past, I’ve always stocked up on sponges because they have MUCH better prices than any other store around here! Price: $1.00
1 package of two drain stoppers – Another miscellaneous item we needed – Price: $1.00
1 package of coffee filters – Just in time, we were running low – Price: $1.00
1 package of produce bags – After reading Faylee’s guest post about produce bags, I was eager to try them myself! Price: $1.00
1 package of bread bags – Similar concept to the produce bags – this will be fantastic for my homemade bread! Price: $1.00
1 card – Price: .50 cents
1 package of frozen french fries – Price: $1.00
After Dollar Tree, we hit up Safeway for a few items:
Total spent: $7.99
Total before coupons: $32.14
View receipt
2 boxes of Frosted Mini Wheats: Touch of Fruit – normally $2.99 each, and I had one $1.00/1 coupon, which doubled, and one “Buy One, Get One Free” coupon, making the final price $1.49 for both. There is also a “Try-Me-Free” rebate on the box, which will make it free less the cost of a stamp – possibly with a small profit, if they decide to refund me the pre-coupon amount! Both of these coupons came with a free sample that I got from Vocalpoint. If you aren’t a Vocalpoint member, click here to read my article about it – I highly recommend it as a source for high-value coupons!
1 bag of Malt-o-Meal Fruity Dyno-Bites – normally $3.59, used one free product coupon that I won in a giveaway – final price: Free!
1 gallon of milk – price: $2.49
1 package of Hebrew National hot dogs – regularly $5.99, used one free product coupon – final price: Free! I received this coupon because I am working with Hebrew National on an upcoming giveaway – so stay tuned for that, because several Super Coupon Girl readers will win free hot dog coupons of their own in the near future!
1 package of hot dog buns – price: $1.49
5.52 lbs of bananas and 1.90 lbs of apples – I had a printable coupon for $1.00 off your produce purchase of $5.00 or more which I got through this offer, so I chose the cheapest produce – bananas were .64 cents per pound, apples were .78 cents per pound – and weighed it out until I had exactly $5.02 worth. After using my $1.00 off coupon, I paid only $4.02.
1 package of Earthbound Farm organic, pre-washed & peeled baby carrots – Regularly $3.59, used one free product coupon that I got thanks to an offer I participated in via their mailing list – final price: Free!
1 tub of Sabra garlic hummus – regularly $3.99, used one free product coupon that I received for a post I did on Contest Corner – final price: Free!
The cashier also doubled three of my “Free” coupons, deducting an extra $1.50 from my total. I’ve been told conflicting things regarding whether “Free” coupons can be doubled or not, and since Safeway seems to be changing its policy every month now, it’s getting hard to keep up!
Also, my “Buy one, get one free” cereal coupon deducted $4.19 initially, so the cashier adjusted it down by adding $1.20 to my total – just in case anyone gets confused deciphering my receipt! ๐
Posted in Dollar Tree, Safeway | 4 Comments »