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Archive for the ‘Safeway’ Category
Wednesday, December 17th, 2008
I’m still limping around too much to go shopping, but here’s a trip from earlier last week when I was more mobile:

Total spent: $6.68 Total before coupons: $10.31 View receipt
.43 pounds of organic, fair trade coffee 1 bottle of Coffee Mate – on sale for $2.50, used a $1/1 printable, which doubled. Coffee Mate has extra $1/1 coupons that you can print as part of their promotion for the holiday flavors – so if you’ve hit your print limit on the others, check the new one out! 1 bag of Fresh Gourmet crispy onion salad toppings – on sale for $2.79, used a .55/1 printable, which doubled. .24 pounds of green beans – used a peelie coupon good for .55 cents off green beans with the purchase of Fresh Gourmet salad toppings. The green beans were only .72 cents, and the coupon doubled, resulting in .33 cents of overage.
Next stop, Rite Aid –

Total spent: $4.84 – but I will get back $2 in rebates. Total before coupons: $9.59 View receipt
1 package of Kotex – on sale for $3.59, used a .75/1 coupon that I received in the mail. 1 tube of Maybelline lipstick – on sale for $6, used a $4/1 coupon from the 12/7 Red Plum newspaper inserts. And I will get a $2 rebate back, making it free! See, at least I didn’t miss all the free lipstick deals last week!
Hopefully, I’ll be able to walk around normally in the next few days. In the meantime, Jai has been picking up groceries as needed, so the budget for December will reflect that accordingly.
Posted in Rite Aid, Safeway | No Comments »
Wednesday, December 10th, 2008
You can now load “E-Coupons” from Proctor & Gamble directly onto your Safeway club card! Click here for more info, and get your card registered! Thanks so much to BeCentsAble for the heads-up.
I can’t wait to try this out – Money Saving Mom has some useful information about these e-coupons, and mentions that they can also be stacked with a manufacturer’s coupon for even more savings! Some of her deal ideas for Kroger may also work at Safeway, depending on the sale prices. I’ll keep you posted with any good deals I discover using these e-coupons!
Posted in Safeway | No Comments »
Sunday, December 7th, 2008

Total spent: .97 cents Total before coupons: $38.50
View receipt #1 View receipt #2 View receipt #3 View receipt #4 View receipt #5 View receipt #6 View receipt #7
24 boxes of Ronzoni pasta – on sale for $1.50, used 24 $1/1 coupons from the 10/5 Smart Source newspaper inserts. Free after coupon and doubles! 1 bottle of Coffee Mate – on sale for $2.50, used a $1/1 printable coupon – making the final price .97 cents after coupon, doubles, and bag credit.
I’ve been hanging onto my Ronzoni coupons, waiting for it to go back on sale. So if any of my readers who shop at Safeway still have these coupons, go get your free pasta!
Rite Aid:

Total spent: $5.00. But I will get back a $5 rebate, making it free!
View receipt
1 surge protector
For some reason, the surge protector was ringing up $16, even though it was supposed to be on sale for $5. The cashier manually overrode the price, and I asked if that would affect the rebate. She said no, because I did get the correct product for the rebate, so I should still receive the $5 rebate as advertised. But if I have any problems, I can always take it back. They were all out of the headphones that were free after rebate this week, but I got a rain check for it which will allow me to get them for free once they restock.
Also, Rite Aid is running a promotion called “The Gift of Savings”, where you can receive gift certificates for making purchases at Rite Aid through December 24. Check out this page on I Heart Rite Aid for the full scoop!
Posted in Rite Aid, Safeway | No Comments »
Wednesday, December 3rd, 2008
I had big shopping plans last week, but they were quickly abandoned during the holiday chaos!

Total spent: $9.67. NO COUPONS!!! View receipt
1 gallon of milk 1 tub of whipped topping 1 dozen cage free eggs 3 foil pie pans
Wow. This one trip cost almost as much as my whole month’s budget for September! My original plan had been to hit up Walgreens, because they had some good overage deals going on that week. But with everything that was going on that day, I realized that there was no way that I’d have enough time to make the 30 minute drive to Walgreens, and still get back in time to make enough Pumpkin Pie for 13 people. So I axed that plan and just went to Safeway, since it’s so close to me, even though the sales there have been pretty nonexistent this past month. I needed the cool whip, eggs, and foil plates in order to make my pies – I only have one pie plate, and I was making three pies. I had originally planned to go to another store and buy a real pie plate, but the stores were so crammed that I ended up just grabbing some foil plates at Safeway so that I could go home! Also, we were out of milk, so I picked that up while I was there.
Grandma always hosts Thanksgiving at her house, so she cooked the main course and I brought the Pumpkin Pies for dessert:

I made my oil crust and used this recipe for homemade pumpkin pie filling. I still have a bunch of homemade pumpkin puree in my freezer from Halloween, so this worked out well.
Black Friday
I thought I’d have time for Walgreens on Friday, but it just wasn’t happening. However, I still wanted to pick up some things for dinner, so I just made this quick trip to Safeway:

Total spent: $10.16 Total before coupons: $13.66 View receipt
1 can of mushrooms – I wanted fresh mushrooms, but Safeway’s produce department was completely sold out of them. Weird! 2 Ragu pouches – on sale for $1, used two .50/1 coupons that I received in the mail. Free after doubles! 1 tub of Parmesan cheese 1 bottle of Coffee Mate – on sale for $3.79, used a $1/1 printable coupon, which doubled. (I was able to get another copy of this coupon by printing it from my laptop, in case you’re wondering how I got it.) .81 pounds of bananas .85 pounds of apples 1 head of red leaf lettuce 1 bag of sun dried tomatoes
If you look closely at my receipts for Thursday and Friday, you may notice that my gas rewards suddenly jumped up to 5. That’s because on Friday, there was a person standing in front of me in line who couldn’t find his club card. He tried to bring it up by punching in his phone number, but it didn’t work, so he just shrugged and said, “Oh well.” I asked if he wanted to use my card, so he did – he was very happy for the savings (you have to have a club card to get any of the sale prices, so you’d pay a lot more without one), and I got the credit towards my fuel discount, so everybody wins!
I had a houseful of guests all week, and I always have a blast making big meals – if you’ve been reading this blog for a while, you’ve probably noticed that I love to cook! So here’s Friday’s dinner:

Spaghetti, salad, and homemade garlic bread. I made good use of my free pasta and pasta sauce, and added mushrooms, artichokes, green olives, onion, and garlic. For the salad, I used the red leaf lettuce, crispy onion toppings, sun dried tomatoes, and homemade croutons that I made using this recipe – these are SO good, you have to try them!
Posted in Black Friday, Coupon Menu Corner, Entertaining, Safeway | No Comments »
Monday, December 1st, 2008

Total spent: $2.21 Total before coupons: $6.81 View receipt
1 trial sized packet of Airborne – on sale for $2.19, used one $2/1 coupon from the 9/7 Smart Source newspaper inserts, making it free plus .31 cents of overage after doubles. 1 bag of Fresh Gourmet crispy onion salad toppings – on sale for $1.50, used a .55/1 printable – bringing the final cost down to .45 cents after doubles. .31 pounds of green beans – free plus .12 cents of overage after using a peelie coupon found on the Fresh Gourmet – more details on this below. 1 head of red leaf lettuce 1 head of garlic
I just needed a few salad supplies for dinner, and I found a bonus deal on the green beans while I was there. I love the crispy onions on salad – they’re sooo yummy! And even better, there was a peelie coupon attached to the bag that said, “Save .55 cents on fresh green beans with your purchase of Fresh Gourmet salad toppings”. So I weighed out a small amount of green beans, which came to .93 cents. The coupon doubled, so I ended up getting them for free plus .12 cents of overage! What a deal! Keep an eye out for these peelie coupons if you see Fresh Gourmet products at your store.
Posted in Produce Deals, Safeway | No Comments »
Saturday, November 22nd, 2008
I wanted to make a Lemon Meringue Pie, but I was low on a few baking supplies, so I made a quick trip to Safeway:

Total spent: $4.99 Total before coupons: $8.52 View receipt
1 bottle of Smart Balance cooking oil – One sale for $3.45, used a $1/1 coupon from the 11/2 Red Plum newspaper inserts. 1 dozen cage free eggs – $3.29. I could have gotten a much lower price on eggs, but I prefer to buy the cage free variety when I can. 2 trial sized boxes of Tide – .89 each, used two .50/1 coupons from the 11/2 Proctor & Gamble newspaper inserts; free plus .11 cents of overage after doubles.
The pie crust recipe that I always make uses cooking oil instead of butter. I frequently get comments on how flaky and good my pie crusts are, and when I tell people the recipe, they always seem shocked that it uses oil. I find it easier than making a crust with butter, and it’s also cost effective, so I thought I would share the recipe here:
Oil Pastry
Recipe from Betty Crocker’s Cook Book – makes an 8 or 9 inch one-crust pie
1 cup plus 2 tablespoons all-purpose flour 1/2 teaspoon salt (I always omit this) 1/3 cup salad oil 2 to 3 tablespoons cold water
Measure flour and salt into bowl. Add oil; mix until particles are the size of small peas. Sprinkle in water, 1 tablespoon at a time, mixing until flour is moistened and dough almost cleans side of bowl. (If dough seems dry, 1 to 2 tablespoons oil can be added. Do not add water.) Gather dough together; press firmly into ball. Shape dough into flattened round and roll out.
Posted in Coupon Menu Corner, Safeway | 1 Comment »
Thursday, November 20th, 2008
As I was getting ready for dinner on Tuesday night, I decided on a whim to pick up some beer to serve with it. While I was at the store, I also found some tea on clearance:

Total spent: $6.29 Total before coupons: $8.27
View receipt
1 6-pack of beer – I picked this kind just because it’s so festive! I love holiday-themed groceries. 2 boxes of Celestial Seasonings tea – on clearance for .99 cents, used two $1/1 coupons from the 10/5 Smart Source newspaper inserts. They were both adjusted down to .99 cents, although the store will still be reimbursed for the full $1 value of the coupon. And this time they wouldn’t double the coupons – I’ve spoken to managers at Safeway before who said it is perfectly legitimate to get overage from doubling a coupon such as this, so long as you are not getting cash back. There doesn’t seem to be any official Safeway corporate coupon policy; it seems to generally be left up to each store to decide their own rules, and everyone seems to have different policies. So, I missed out on a little overage, but oh well!
Here’s what we had for dinner:

BBQ chicken wings and garlic roasted potatoes.
Posted in Coupon Menu Corner, Safeway | No Comments »
Friday, November 14th, 2008
Gina at Mommy Making Money has a rundown of some sale prices and coupon matchups at Safeway this week; she also has a “Home For The Holidays” scenario that may be of interest. There are still no freebies or dirt cheap items with this promo, but there are good prices if you were going to buy these items anyway.
I’m going to head over to Walgreens tomorrow to check out some of this week’s sales, and possibly take advantage of the new $5/20 coupon that just came out. Check out Hot Coupon World and Southern Savers for a list of prices and matchups. I’m excited for all the sales on baking supplies! Sadly, my region did not get the Clabber Girl coupons that came out recently, so I won’t be able to score any free baking powder – still, 2 for $1 is the lowest price I have ever seen for baking powder so I’m still going to pick some up.
Can you believe that I’ve only been shopping twice so far this month? There haven’t been any hot deals around here, and my immediate needs have been few because I have so much food in the house as it is. Stockpiling really helps you save money when the sales aren’t great.
Posted in Safeway, Walgreens | No Comments »
Monday, November 10th, 2008
Hot Coupon World user Merczilla obtained a copy of the “Home For The Holidays” promotional list from Safeway, and was kind enough to take the time to upload it and share with other couponers. You can check out the post on Hot Coupon World here. The list shows all of the participating products in the deal, and as far as I know, it ought to be the same nationwide. However, if you have any questions about the listed items, just check with your local customer service desk.
So far, I’m not seeing any freebies or even close to freebies. This is a decent deal if you need to stock up on the promo items anyway, especially if you’re running low on baking supplies. But I personally don’t see any deals that I’ll be rushing out for yet; I’m waiting to see what the sale prices look like for next week.
Posted in Catalinas, Safeway | No Comments »
Sunday, November 9th, 2008

Total spent: $1.55. $1.46 on the actual groceries, .09 cents donated towards breast cancer research Total before coupons: $29.58
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One 10 pound bag of potatoes 4 trial sized packets of Airborne – on sale for $2.19, used four $2/1 coupons from the 9/7 Smart Source newspaper inserts. Free plus .31 cents of overage each after doubles. 12 boxes of instant Quaker oatmeal – on sale for $1.57, used 12 $1/1 coupons. .07 cents a box after doubles!
Safeway is running a “48 hour sale” today and tomorrow. The Quaker oatmeal is one of the promotional items, temporarily reduced to $1.57. There are lots of $1 off coupons out there, so here’s a list:
$1 off any Quaker instant oatmeal – this has a generous print limit, so you can print 8 per computer! Just hit the back button after each coupon prints. Thanks to Abundant Food Savings for the link!
You can also print two more from the Quaker Oatmeal website. There is another printable here, but I can’t get it to work. Thanks to Hot Coupon World for these links!
A coupon for $1/1 High Fiber Quaker Instant Oatmeal can be found in the 10/19 Red Plum and 9/7 Red Plum newspaper inserts.
A coupon for $1/1 Quaker Simple Harvest Multi-Grain cereal (which is also on sale for $1.57) can be found in the 9/21 Smart Source newspaper inserts.
At .07 cents a box after doubles, this is a great stock-up price. Each box contains at least 8 (and sometimes 10) packets, so that’s less than a penny per serving. That’s a pretty cheap breakfast, and the boxes I bought don’t expire until 2010! There was lots of oatmeal in stock at my store, but if yours is all out, be sure to get a rain check so that you can take advantage of this deal!
Also of interest to Oregonians – it was mentioned on Hot Coupon World that there is another $10/50 Safeway coupon coming out in Sunday’s Oregonian. I haven’t seen the Sunday paper yet to confirm, but I thought I should give you guys the heads-up! This could come in handy for the “Home For The Holidays” promo. For more inspiration on how to use this coupon for maximum savings, check out the great tips in this article by SCG reader Angela, on getting the most out of your $10/50 Safeway coupon.
Posted in Produce Deals, Safeway | No Comments »