This year was probably the best Black Friday I’ve had so far in terms of good deals. I didn’t do any brick-and-mortar shopping, but I did score some fun online deals:

Here are my custom photo stamps from Zazzle. I love how they turned out and can’t wait to put them on my Christmas cards!

This is my free-after-rebate Bluetooth Audio Transport. Jai loves electronic gadgets, so this will be a fun little holiday gift for him!
My final Black Friday deal utilized a Walmart gift card which I had won. I make a point of entering gift card giveaways whenever I can, and I’ve won all kinds of gift certificates since I became a “Sweeper” – which is a nice little supplement to my budget! Whenever I win a gift card, I set it aside until I have a major purchase or specific need. Last year, I won a $100 Walmart gift card on Blessings Abound, and I had been saving it until just the right thing came along. I ended up using it on Black Friday to buy a Garmin nuvi 295W 3.5″ Portable GPS:

Jai is making some changes to his business cell phone plan, and one of the things he has considered dropping is the data plan. However, our hesitation with that was the fact that his phone uses the data plan to power a GPS, which has been invaluable to us in our travels. Getting a separate GPS to use in the car is not only easier to use and more convenient, but also gives Jai the option to drop the data plan on his phone. The Garmin nuvi was on sale for $99 on Black Friday, so I went ahead and purchased it with my gift card and got free shipping, as well as $2.97 cashback through ShopAtHome – although I see the price has dropped to $89 today, so it doesn’t seem like Black Friday is necessarily the cheapest day of the year to buy electronics!

Here’s the GPS in our car (And Jai pulling a silly face in the rear view mirror!)
The GPS arrived yesterday and we’re really happy with it. It’s got an impressive array of features and is even better than the one we used previously on Jai’s cell phone. And for free, how can you go wrong?