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Archive for September, 2010
Friday, September 17th, 2010
While I head out of town today for the WordCamp Conference, enjoy this guest post on keeping a frugal home, courtesy of my pal Bobbie from One Scrappy Mom!
About Bobbie:
Bobbie is the owner and author of OneScrappyMom. She is the mother of one daughter, Mariah, one son, Alex, and wife to Travis. She is a mommy blogger and love all things involving her family. In her spare time she enjoys photography, digital scrapbooking and social networking.
Keeping a Frugal Home In Today’s Economy
I’ve always had a pretty good mindset when it came to being frugal. I’ve been a girl on a budget since I got my first job years ago. Now as a wife and stay at home mother of two children I am always looking at ways to improve the family budget while not compromising the family fun and lifestyle. I’ve always been able to keep my children busy and having fun while keeping the cost affordable. You can too! Here’s a few ways that you can make this work for your family:
Public Libraries: Public libraries have a lot to offer. It’s more then renting a book. They often have story time, puppet shows and other activities for children. They usually have at least 2-3 days a week with activities that are family oriented and best of all free. Not only do they have these activities, but they also offer free rentals of books, magazines and media. You can rent movies for free at the library. True, they might not be the new releases, but a family movie or a Disney movie is a great choice for a family movie night!
Local Parks: Many local parks offer activities for the children. Here in the summer months they have free lunch in the park which are all run by park attendees. It’s a safe place for the children and they can play with other children as well as run off their energy. We also have a parade put on by the parks every year. The children from the park decorate the float that runs in the parades for many to see. My children LOVE seeing their art on the floats that are part of a celebration! This is all FREE! Many of the local parks here also have small kiddie pools or splash pads the kids can play on. They can get wet and enjoy the water on the hot days! Dry off on the playground, do some more fun things and cool off in the water.
Local Attractions: Many of the local attractions offer a discount to residents of the community. They may even offer a discount on a family pass. These are often great things to do when you add them in with something special like lunch in the park. These attractions are much cheaper then a vacation that can be stressful on the wallet. Make these attractions into activities. Play “I Spy” or take a “bingo” type card with. The attraction may be the same, but you can spice up the visits with different activities. Also be sure to get a schedule for your attractions! Here we have a small zoo. They have MANY activities through the year, like the “Zoo Boo” which is trick or treating with the animals and the “Birthday Bonanza” in which they celebrate the birthday of some of the animals and you get to have cake with the animals! These are all exciting for little ones and as they grow older the experience changes meaning each time they go.
Recycle: Not everything that comes into your home can be recycled, but there are SO many things that can, you would amaze yourself with the possibilities! Milk jugs are good for so many things!! You can cut them with scissors and have just the bottoms. These can be used to store small toys like legos and bathroom needs like rubber bands and other things. If you are going to use them for storage, grab some old stained shirts or sheets, let the children cut them {adult supervision please}, glue them and decorate them. These little containers are also cute as candy dishes and so much more. You can also use them as a craft idea for so many more projects! Make masks for play, use them to grow seeds and observe them daily, make piggy banks, or Easter baskets, the possibilities are endless!! Our other favorite thing to recycle is cardboard. We make castles with a few boxes and some toilet paper rolls. The kids can paint them, color them, decorate them. It takes them some time to complete the projects that can be done inside on a rainy day or out on the porch on a sunny day!
Now that I have shared some of my fun and frugal family tips with you, please tell me, what are some things you do for fun that are free or wallet friendly? What are some crafts that your children and family enjoy?
Posted in Guest Posts | 8 Comments »
Wednesday, September 15th, 2010
This afternoon I discovered that my web provider, Bluehost, had a very serious database error that caused my comment table to crash. What this means is that when my readers tried to leave comments today, they were erased and not posted. I’m not sure when exactly this issue arose, but I do not see any comments on the site with today’s date, so I fear that this could have gone on for as long as 24 hours. The database was repaired at around 5 PM PST this afternoon, so comments should be back to normal now.
Here is the explanation that Bluehost tech support provided me with:
DaveB: [6:00:40 PM] The comments table had crashed. It was likely due to a pending write that occurred as soon as the mysql server had issues. Unfortunately, the comments submitted during that time never got written to the database so there’s no way recover them.
I am so sorry to all of my readers who left comments and entered my giveaways today. Because of this problem, I am extending all of the current giveaways by one day.
Posted in Life | 2 Comments »
Tuesday, September 14th, 2010
I recently received a George Foreman Evolve Grill to review on Contest Corner, so last week’s menu revolved around my new kitchen toy!
This grill comes with a deep dish plate, so you can actually use it to make lasagna, believe it or not! For this dish, I used lasagna noodles from the stockpile, a can of tomato sauce that I got on clearance, frozen spinach, cheese, and two baby tomatoes from the garden.
I served this with a loaf of homemade french bread, a bottle of wine that Jai got as a birthday gift, and a chocolate cake, made from a Duncan Hines mix that I will also be reviewing on Contest Corner! Mmmm.
The next day, I used the remainder of the french bread to make ham and cheese paninis for lunch. I used up the last packet of .04 cent ham that I got back in April – this ham has been such a fantastic thing to have on hand. I stored it in the freezer and would thaw out a package whenever I needed one. We had a lot of company over for meals last month, so this was perfect for sandwich stations – I would set out the ham, a loaf of bread, and various toppings so that everyone could make their own sandwich. Frugal and delicious!
I also grilled some veggies along with meat strips from my freezer stockpile for dinner on Thursday and Friday night. (I had thawed out two packages of meat, so I needed to make sure they were both used up!) I served these with tortillas and cheese so that we could make fajitas.
So there’s my grill-centered menu for the week! If you have an Evolve grill and would like more details on the recipes, you can click here to read my review on Contest Corner.
Posted in Coupon Menu Corner | 1 Comment »
Monday, September 13th, 2010
Click here to sign up for a “Try-Me-Free” rebate form good for one bag of By Nature pet food, up to $12.99. Rebate form will be emailed to you – purchase must be made between 08/10/10 and 11/10/10. Click here to locate this product at a store near you. Thanks to Mojo Savings for the tip!
Posted in Free After Rebate | No Comments »
Monday, September 13th, 2010
Jai and I will both be attending the WordCamp conference in Portland this weekend! WordCamp Portland is a conference for WordPress users and developers held on September 18th and 19th. This will be my first blog-related conference, and I’m looking forward to it! WordCamp offers all sorts of workshops about using and optimizing WordPress, so Jai and I are looking forward to expanding our WordPress knowledge!
We’ll be in Portland with limited access to email this Friday through Monday, but don’t worry – I have lots of great guest posts and other fun stuff scheduled to run while I’m gone!
Readers: Are any of you attending WordCamp Portland? If so, be sure to let me know so I can say hello!
Posted in Life | No Comments »
Saturday, September 11th, 2010
If you’re anything like me, then you probably have a sweet tooth! So when YummyEarth Candy offered to give one of my readers a big bag of their lollipops, naturally I said “Yes” – who wouldn’t love a free bag of candy?
I first became acquainted with YummyEarth through MoneySavingMom. They often have deals on their lollipops on Amazon, which she’s posted about a few times. I haven’t tried these these myself, but you can click here to visit YummyEarth’s website if you’d like to learn more about their organic candies. I am also hosting another lollipop giveaway on Contest Corner, so please feel free to enter that one also!
One Super Coupon Girl reader will win a family size pack YummyEarth Organic Lollipops, pictured above. I thought this would be a fun item for one of you to add to your stockpile! And with Halloween coming up, this could be a nice thing to pass out to trick-or-treaters. Here’s how to enter:
1. For your first entry, just leave a comment on this post telling me what your favorite kind of candy is!
Want extra entries? Do any of the following, and leave a separate comment for each one:
2. Link to this post on your blog, then come back here and leave me the link!
3. Write about this on Twitter, then come back and leave me the link to your tweet! One Twitter entry per person. You can use the button at the bottom of this post to tweet with one click!
4. Post my button on your website ā just copy and paste the following code, and let me know where you put it:
Rules, regulations, and other important stuff: Giveaway ends on September 28th 29th at 11:59 PM, PST. (Deadline has been extended due to the recent database error.)Winner will be chosen the following day via Random.org. Winner has 48 hours to respond to my notification email, or a new winner will be chosen in their place. Giveaway is open to US residents. I received no compensation for this post ā other than the joy of giving a prize to one of my loyal readers!
Posted in Giveaways | 92 Comments »
Friday, September 10th, 2010
We didn’t need much from the store this week – just a few supplies to supplement what we had on hand. I stopped by Safeway on Tuesday and picked up oatmeal, 2 bags of cheese, bananas, a bell pepper, and a yellow squash for $15.49 – click here for the receipt. Jai also made a quick trip to a local mini mart one morning when we ran out of coffee, and picked up a few things for $12.
Posted in Safeway | No Comments »
Thursday, September 9th, 2010
Canadian readers: Click here to print a coupon good for one free package of Sunrise Tofu’s Stir-Fry Tofu nā Sauce. You will need to have a Facebook account to access the coupon.
Posted in Free coupons | 1 Comment »