Phew! What a busy week this has been! There’s a lot going on right now between work and a big remodeling project, but it’s been a great few days. I’m sad that I had to cancel my planned trip to BlogHer ’10 this weekend, but I knew there was just no way that I’d have time with my jammed schedule this month.
On Monday, I ran to Fred Meyer & Safeway to pick up a few things. Here’s my trip to Fred Meyer:
Total spent: $17.23
Total before coupons: $23.79
View receipt
1 gallon of milk – price: $1.99
2 packages of chicken drumsticks – priced at $5.34 and $5.06, respectively; final price for both: $10.40
5-lb bag of flour – price: $1.99
1 box of no-bake Jell-o cheesecake – for a birthday dinner – price: $2.85
1 carton of Sabra Artichoke & Spinach Hummus – regularly $2.99, used one free product coupon that I got through writing a post on Contest Corner – final price: Free!
3 tubs of Yoplait Greek Yogurt – I had several free coupons for this that I’ve been wanting to use for months, and I finally found the product at Fred Meyer! Regularly $1.19 each, used two coupons that I got through MyBlogSpark and one coupon that I got through the Pssst… Network. Final price: Free!
Next stop, Safeway:
Total spent: $10.98
View receipt
Another box of no-bake cheesecake mix
– I decided that I should get two boxes, since I wanted to make sure we had plenty; apparently, Safeway sells it for $2.99, so I paid .14 cents more for this one!
Half gallon of half & half – price: $3.99
1 cantaloupe – price: $2.00
8 ears of corn – price: .25 cents each, $2.00 for all eight.

So on Tuesday night, I hosted a fun family birthday dinner. I forgot to take pictures of the main course – I often get so preoccupied when I have company that I forget to snap photos of what I made! – but I cooked both packages of chicken drumsticks, the 8 ears of corn on the cob, made a loaf of bread, and the no-bake cheesecake (This was a big hit at Jai’s birthday party, and it’s less expensive and time consuming than making it from scratch!). There was a lot of food – we had a houseful of people, and this is just some of what was left over the next day:
We’ve been eating BBQ chicken and corn all week. Yummy!