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Archive for February, 2010
Thursday, February 25th, 2010
 I recently got my second rebate check of the year – this time, from online rebates that I did via Ebates. I’ve mentioned Ebates in the past – if you’re a long-time reader, you might remember the Victoria’s Secret deal, which is when I discovered it. Ebates offer rebates on purchases made at participating retailers – currently, they have 1,200 stores to choose from, each offering a specific cashback rate. You also earn a $5 bonus just for signing up; so in addition to getting rebates on online purchases that I would have made anyway, I also earned a $5 profit. Occasionally, you can also get deals with Ebates that you wouldn’t otherwise, like my $1.95 box of coffee from Gevalia. And finally, you can also earn $5 for anyone that you refer.
ShopAtHome is a newer (to me, anyway!) site that also offers rebates for online merchants. They operate in a similar manner to Ebates, and provide rebates for 3,000 merchants. Like Ebates, they also offer you $5 for signing up and $5 for referring friends.
When I’m about to make a purchase online, the first thing I do is check both Ebates and ShopAtHome to see if either of them offer cashback for the merchant I’m about to shop at. If they both do, I choose the one with the higher cashback rate. For example, I recently needed to purchase an SD cardreader from Newegg for my computer. I checked both sites and saw that ShopAtHome offered .05% back, while Ebates offered 1% back. Obviously, Ebates was the better deal in this instance. All I had to do was click through their rebate link and make my purchase as normal – it tracks everything automatically, so you don’t have to do anything other than click through their site to receive your rebate.
Bear in mind that both these sites require that you accumulate a certain amount before you receive your check. Ebates stipulates that you earn $5.01 or higher in rebates before they cut your check – this does not include your $5 sign-up bonus or referral bonuses. So once you register and receive your $5 sign-up bonus, you will need to earn $5.01 or more in rebates – for a total balance of $10.01 or higher – before your check is sent. ShopAtHome requires a $20 minimum, but as far as I’m aware, bonuses do count towards that total. I don’t mind waiting for my rebate checks, since I would have to make these purchases regardless, and I’ll come out with a profit thanks to the bonus each site gave me for signing up.
I know there are other rebate sites popping up, but these are the only two that I’ve had personal experience with so far. If you know of a good one that I missed, let me know!
Posted in Rebates | 13 Comments »
Wednesday, February 24th, 2010
 The first 25,000 users who click here to register for an account on WellnessDaily will be able to print a $5 rebate form good on any Jennie-O Turkey Store product. You should be able to find one of these products for $5 or less, which equals free meat (minus the stamp to mail it in!). Simply register for an account, log in, and then look for your rebate form under “Coupons and Offers”. Rebate is good on purchases made between Feb. 8 and May 31.
Thanks, Freebies 4 Mom!
Posted in Free After Rebate | 2 Comments »
Tuesday, February 23rd, 2010
I’ve written about catalinas a few times previously, and I thought this topic was worth its own article. If you’re not sure what a “Catalina coupon” is, check out my articles “Catalinas 101” and “How To Find Catalina Deals”.
 Remember when I bought 6 tubes of Grands! biscuits because of a catalina deal, but my coupon didn’t print? Well, I sent Catalina Marketing an email, and they mailed the coupon to me. I spent $3.54 on the biscuits originally, and now that I’ve belatedly received my $4.00 coupon, I am .46 cents ahead!
Has this ever happened to you? You’ve found out about a great catalina deal, planned out your scenario, and are so excited about your savings – until you go through the checkout line and your coupon doesn’t print. Why does this happen, and what can you do about it?
Why Didn’t My Catalina Print?
Like any other electronic device, catalina machines are subject to malfunction. Modern cash registers are actually a regular PC hooked to a cash drawer – when you see your total being rung up on the screen, it’s taking place on a program running inside of Windows. And we all know that computers don’t always work the way they’re supposed to! But it’s not always a complex technical issue – sometimes, the catalina printer is simply out of paper.
And don’t forget human error: Sometimes, even the most savvy coupon-queen will buy the wrong item or quantity. The UPCs which trigger catalinas are very specific – so when possible, read the fine print and check the offer for exclusions. Do you have the right product, flavor, size? Is the promotion still running? For instance:
 This is the offer terms listed on my Pillsbury catalina. As an example, the Grands biscuits that I purchased were participating, but Toaster Strudels were not.
What Can I Do About It?
So your catalina didn’t print – now what? You have two options for rectifying the matter: Take it up at store level, or contact Catalina Marketing directly. I highly recommend that you take it up with Catalina Marketing, and here’s why. There are countless catalina promotions running at hundreds of stores across the country, and each promotion is tied to a specific list of product UPCs. In order for your local supermarket to be fully versed on the terms of each offer, they would need to have an extensive database listing all current catalina deals with UPCs and promo dates included.
Perhaps some stores do, but as far as I am aware, none in my area have any such list. In my experience, store staff often have no way of knowing which promotions are current; and if they do, they have no way of verifying the terms of the offer. Up until my last trip, I had never even bothered asking at store level about my catalinas. Last time, I decided that I would, just to see if it would be easier. First, I asked the cashier if the machine had paper, because my catalina had not printed and the lights on the machine were blinking in an odd manner. It did indeed have paper, so I then went to customer service and asked if there was something else wrong with the machine. The manager was aware of the Pillsbury deal, but she told me that she did not think the Grands! Jr. biscuits were participating, even though the offer didn’t specify any exclusions; so I told her I would email Catalina Marketing. I did – and they promptly sent me the coupon which should have printed.
Catalina Marketing are the company behind these coupons, and as such, they have quick access to anything you need to know about an offer. Every time I have contacted them, they have quickly determined what I should have received and mailed it to me directly. I have provided their email form and phone numbers at the bottom of this article – simply have your receipt ready when you contact them, and they will research the issue for you.
If it is vital that you receive your catalina during that shopping trip, you could ask a manager to return your items and re-ring them on another register. I’ve never done this, because in my experiences it would have been a big hassle for everyone.
Verifying Catalina Deals
I mentioned above that you should carefully check the terms of a catalina offer whenever possible – but sometimes, it isn’t. Say your sister calls and says, “Hey, I just got a $1.00 catalina for buying 3 Brand X canned vegetables at Safeway!”. So you stop by Safeway later that afternoon and buy 3 Brand X canned vegetables, but no catalina comes out. That’s your queue to email Catalina Marketing and say, “Hey, my sister got this great catalina for buying 3 Brand X canned vegetables, but I didn’t. Why is that?” You could even contact them before your shopping trip and ask for the terms of the offer. “My sister just told me about an offer for Brand X canned vegetables, can you tell me which varieties are participating?”
How to Contact Catalina Marketing
If you experience issues will a catalina not printing, you can click here to email Catalina Marketing or call them at either 1-877-210-1917 or 1-888-8coupon.
Posted in Articles, Catalinas | 7 Comments »
Tuesday, February 23rd, 2010
 I mentioned a few months back that I was working on some exciting new features for my blogs. Well, I’m ready to announce what I’ve been working on: Super Coupon Girl will be moving over to WordPress and its own host by the end of March! I am completely re-designing the site to make the layout clearer and easier to navigate. I will also be expanding on and adding to the resources on this site, such as the “Coupon Articles” section, to make them even more useful to you. So while I’m overhauling the site, I’d like to get your feedback. Click here to take my reader survey and let me know what you’d like to see! Or, if you prefer, you can leave me your thoughts in the comments or send me an email. I look forward to hearing what you have to say!
Posted in Reader Survey | No Comments »
Friday, February 12th, 2010
I never had a chance to tell you about my last shopping trip for January, so without further ado:
Got $77.98 worth of groceries for $43.01:
 Transaction #1:
Spent: $3.54 Total before coupons: $6.54 View receipt
6 tubes of Grands Jr. biscuits – on sale for $1.09 each, used three $1/2 printable coupons (no longer available). Final price: .59 cents each. I bought these because of a Grands biscuit catalina deal that was going on, and thought I would receive a $4 catalina back for the purchase, but nothing printed. I emailed Catalina Marketing about it, so I’ll keep you posted with what I find out.
Transaction #2:
Total spent: $37.59 Total before coupons: $64.06 View receipt
5lb bag of sugar – price: $2.69 5lb bag of flour – price: $1.69 1 box of Celestial Seasonings tea – on sale for $2.00, used a $1/1 coupon from the 1/10 Smart Source newspaper inserts, which doubled; final price: .50 cents 10 oz bag of organic, fair trade Millstone coffee – on sale for $8.99, used a $1/1 peelie coupon that I found on the package, which doubled; final price: $7.49 32 oz bag of cheese – price: $3.99 2 gallons of milk – $3.98 1/2 gallon of chocolate milk – on sale for $1.99, used one printable coupon for one free half gallon of chocolate milk when you buy two gallons of white milk – Jai and I both signed up for this, and were able to print two copies each, so we’ve been getting lots of free chocolate milk! 10 Smart Ones frozen dinners – on sale for $1.99 each when you buy ten, used a $4 off ten peelie coupon that I found on the package, which doubled; final price: $1.54 each 4-pack of Danimals yogurt – on sale for $2.00, used a $1/1 coupon from the 1/10 Smart Source newspaper inserts, which doubled; final price: .50 cents 2 pints of Coffee-Mate – originally priced at $1.24, these holiday flavors were marked down with .75 cents off clearance stickers, making them .49 cents each. 2.36 lb of cabbage – price: $1.39 .50 lb of yellow squash – price: .90 cents .77 lb of onion – price: .30 cents 3.13 lbs of pears – price: $1.78 2 bags of Everybody’s Nuts pistachios – on sale for $4.99, used two free product coupons that I earned through Recyclebank, which took off the full value of $6.99 – final price: Free plus $4.00 of overage.
I overpaid $1.50 initially because three of my coupons didn’t double, so customer service refunded me the amount and noted it on the receipt.
Transaction #3:
Total spent: $1.88 Total before coupons: $7.38 View receipt #1 View receipt #2 (refund)
2 packages of Mission corn tortillas – on sale for $2.19 each, used two $1/1 printable coupons, which doubled; final price: .69 cents each 2 cans of BumbleBee tuna – on sale for $1.00 each, used a $1/2 coupon that I earned through Recyclebank, which doubled; final price: .25 cents each. 1 bag of Halls cough drops – on sale for $1.00 (it incorrectly rang up as $2.49, so they refunded me $1.49), used a .50/1 coupon from the 1/10 Smart Source newspaper inserts, which doubled; final price: Free
Posted in Safeway | 3 Comments »
Wednesday, February 10th, 2010

Here is my first rebate check of 2010 – and also the fastest rebate I’ve ever gotten! This is for the Kikkoman Curry Sauce “Try Me Free” offer, which I received within just a few weeks after submitting it.
Have you gotten any rebate checks this month, readers?
Posted in Rebates | No Comments »
Tuesday, February 9th, 2010

Residents of AL, AR, CO, FL, GA, IL, IN, KS, KY, LA, MA, MI, MN, MO, NC, NY, OH, OK, PA, RI, TN, TX, VA, WI, and WV can click here to submit their favorite recipe and receive a coupon toward a free package of Sugardale Ready Bacon or Pepperoni. Thanks, Money Saving Mom!
Posted in Free coupons | 1 Comment »
Monday, February 8th, 2010
As you may recall, I often work with MyBlogSpark on fun giveaways, both here and on Contest Corner. Recently, they contacted me about a sale that Fiber One yogurt is having at Safeway, and asked if I would like to receive a $50 Safeway gift card to check it out with. They also offered to give another $50 gift card away to one of you – so how could I turn that down?!
Through tomorrow, January 9th, you can purchase two 4-packs of Fiber One yogurt at Safeway for $4.00. You may remember that I hosted a special Fiber One yogurt giveaway back in October – you can click here to read what I thought about the yogurt and also download a printable coupon for $1.00 off, which you can use in conjunction with the sale to further lower your cost. MyBlogSpark also sent me a coupon for a free package of Fiber One yogurt to use the next time I go to Safeway, so I’ll show you what kind of deals I get with my gift card then.
One lucky reader will win a $50 Safeway gift card! This gift card can also be used at DominickĀ“s, Tom Thumb, Randalls, Vons, and GenuardiĀ“s. Here’s how to enter:
1. For your first entry, just leave a comment on this post and share your favorite tips for living a healthy and frugal lifestyle.
Want extra entries? Do any of the following, and leave a separate comment for each one:
2. Link to this post on your blog, then come back here and leave me the link! 3. Write about this on Twitter, then come back and leave me the link to your tweet! Due to an oversight on my part when posting the rules, I will accept one daily Twitter entry per person. 4. Post my button on your website – just copy and paste the following code, and let me know where you put it:
Rules, regulations, and other important stuff: Giveaway ends on February 23rd at 11:59 PM, PST. Winner will be chosen via Random.org. Giveaway is open to US and Canadian residents. I received a $50 Safeway gift card and a free yogurt coupon from Fiber One and Safeway through MyBlogSpark for my participation.
Posted in Giveaways | 104 Comments »