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Archive for November, 2009
Friday, November 27th, 2009
 I hope all my American readers had a great Thanksgiving yesterday! I had a nice time with family – my contribution to the dinner was a yam casserole made from some canned sweet potatoes that I got on clearance at Walgreens last year (I knew they’d come in handy!). Enjoy the holiday weekend, and good luck to anyone braving the Black Friday sales today. I didn’t see anything worth rushing out for, but I will keep an eye out for any amazing online deals between now and “Cyber Monday”.
Posted in Holidays, Life | No Comments »
Friday, November 20th, 2009
 Jai and I took photos for our Christmas cards yesterday, so I’ve got cards on my mind this week. So I thought I’d share this timely deal, since it would be a great way to cut costs this holiday season. Seehere.com is offering 100 free 4×8 photo Christmas cards, complete with envelopes, free of charge. All you have to do is enter coupon code newbaby at checkout and you will receive 50 cards for free, including shipping. Then you can place a second order for another free set of cards by clicking here and using Freebies 4 Mom’s special coupon code. You can save your design during the first order and have another 50 of the same card printed with Freebies 4 Mom’s code – Money Saving Mom has full details on the promotion here, along with photos of the cards that she ordered, so yes, these really arrive and they are really free! This offer is good through November 30th.
And these aren’t just limited to Christmas cards – there are a bunch of other designs available as well. This also counts as a frugal wedding item, since you could print free save-the-date cards or invitations!
Posted in Online deals, Weddings | No Comments »
Tuesday, November 17th, 2009
 Well, I am happy to report that I still have power! The storm seems to have died down for now, so hopefully it will stay that way.
On to some free offers – Money Saving Mom has the scoop on how you can get free Steaz teas. First, you can click here to print a coupon for one complimentary 16oz Steaz Iced Tea, redeemable at Target. Then you can click here to print a coupon good for a free Steaz Zero Calorie drink, which appears to be available at Whole Foods. Money Saving Mom also has a couple of links to some printable “Buy One, Get One Free” coupons for Steaz here.
Posted in Free coupons | No Comments »
Tuesday, November 17th, 2009
 It was a dark and stormy night…I just wanted to write a quick note to let everyone know that there is a big storm happening here, and the power has been going on and off all day – in fact, I’m having trouble getting this post written, because the power keeps shutting off and then returning. So if I am suddenly silent tomorrow, it’s because I’m without power! During one memorable storm in 2007, we were without power for almost 5 days – so I always prepare for the worst! But fingers crossed that the power stays on and I can continue as normal.
Posted in Life | No Comments »
Monday, November 16th, 2009
 So I decided to make one more purchase from Gevalia before cancelling my membership. I got a 24-hour coupon in an email from them good for free shipping, so I had a poke around the site to see what kind of deals I might be able to get with it. I discovered a one-time rebate on Ebates for $5 back on any Gevalia purchase, so I bought an 8-oz box of Dark Chocolate Truffle coffee for $6.95; with free shipping and the rebate, my final price was $1.95. I cancelled my membership this afternoon, and it was quite easy and painless to do; so I’ll keep you posted and let you know if I experience any problems.
Posted in Online deals | 1 Comment »
Thursday, November 12th, 2009
Click here to sign up for PetSmart Pet Perks, and you’ll be able to send a printable coupon for a free Greenies pet treat product to four friends. Coupon is redeemable at PetSmart stores only. Thanks, Money Saving Mom!
Posted in Free coupons | No Comments »
Wednesday, November 11th, 2009
 Well, I am officially back after my brief week-and-a-half hiatus. I am excited about what I have in the works for my blogs – and obviously, the news yesterday got my week off to an unbelievable start! So I’m back, and getting caught up on the emails and comments that came in while I was away.
Now, on to an update about my garden! Remember how I planted corn salad, radishes, and fava beans about 3 weeks ago? Well, here’s a photo of what my planter looked like this morning. I’ve been so pleased with how well these are doing. The tall row on the far right are the fava beans, the other two rows are radishes, and there are also some teeny corn salad plants poking through, but they’re too small to really see in the picture. So far, so good – they weren’t joking about these plants being good for winter coastal weather, either. We’ve had all manner of hail and thunderous downpours this last week, so these hardy plants have already taken a beating from the elements.
If you’re growing your own produce, I’d love to hear how your garden is doing!
Posted in Growing Produce, Life | No Comments »
Wednesday, November 11th, 2009
 I have some amazing news! My entry in the “Delicious Moments” contest received the most votes, and I have won $10,000!!! Click here to see my winning video. Thanks so much to all my readers for voting and spreading the word. I can’t believe it!!! And like so many good things in my life, this was also the result of using coupons. You see, back in September, I read this post on Resourceful Mommy offering a Wal-Mart gift card & a booklet filled with free coupons to the first 75 people to send in a video. So I sent in a video, hoping to be one of the 75 and win some free coupons. Never did I dream that I would end up actually winning the grand prize! Once again, clipping coupons paid off big time!!
Bonus: I submitted the video on my birthday. Best birthday present ever!
So thank you again from the bottom of my heart for your support! This is a major deal and will have great positive impact on my life. Being the frugal person that I am, lots of people are curious as to what I’ll do with the winnings. My plan for right now is to put it into a savings account and then weigh up my options as to what will be the best investment. There are several possibilities – for example, anyone who has been to my house knows that there has never been a driveway here. So putting the funds towards installing a driveway (and garage, if zoning permits!) is one option. Of course, I will keep everyone posted!
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