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Archive for August, 2009
Tuesday, August 25th, 2009
 The first 250,000 people who register as a fan on the “Chicken Wave” website will receive a coupon good for one free Chick-fil-A Original Chicken Sandwich – click here to sign up. Registering for the coupon will also enter you into a daily drawing to win a $50 Chick-fil-A gift card.
Also, if you visit Chick-fil-A on Labor Day dressed in your favorite sports team’s logo, you’ll receive another free chicken sandwich.
Thank to Nickels-n-Dimes for the tip!
Posted in Free coupons | No Comments »
Tuesday, August 25th, 2009
As I mentioned earlier, my Johnson & Johnson Cause Party was a great success. I had a fabulous time with all my friends and family, and we raised $253.50 for LifeStraw – enough to give 39 African children clean drinking water for a year!
And although there were 18 of us, we only made a small dent in the huge buffet that I purchased using the $200 stipend! And we all got plenty to eat – most of the guests complained that they were a little too full when they left! Here’s some pictures of the spread –
I set out tables in the kitchen with appetizers, drinks, and desserts:

The main course was served on the grill, and consisted of hamburgers, hot dogs, chicken, veggie burgers, and corn on the cob:

Here’s our friend Jeff, who served as the grillmaster!

There was simply so much food that I still ended up with a ton left over, despite the turnout. Since all the meat had been thawed for the party, I knew I needed to cook it right away so that it wouldn’t go bad. I decided to grill it all up the next night and then freeze it. We invited our friend Jeff over for dinner, since I needed to cook all this food anyway and wanted to thank him for helping out with the grill during the party. We grilled up all the meat and enjoyed a nice dinner – and this was what I had left after feeding 18 people on Saturday and then the three of us on Sunday night:

After cooking and seasoning the meat, I put it all into individual ziploc bags and stuck them in the freezer. So now we can just pull out one serving at a time and heat it up whenever we’re hungry. This is perfect timing, since I’m going to San Diego this weekend – I won’t have to fuss with cooking during this busy week and Jai will have plenty of food while I’m gone!

And that’s just the meat – I still have probably 20 ears of corn left, tons of salad, snacks, veggie burgers, drinks – my fridge, freezer, and pantry are packed!
If you’d like to see more photos and read all about the party and LifeStraw, you can click here to see a full recap.
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Monday, August 24th, 2009
On Friday, I did the rest of the shopping for my cause party. I had $138.30 left from the $200 party supplies stipend that Johnson & Johnson had provided me with, so I headed to Safeway and Fred Meyer to pick up the rest of the food.
Total spent: $34.35, paid for by Johnson & JohnsonMy main computer is still down, and since that’s the system that my scanner is attached to, I won’t be able to share the receipt with you until it’s back up and running.
12 oz bag of organic, fair trade coffee – price: $7.99 1 bag of hamburger buns – regularly priced at .89 cents, used a coupon from the Safeway sales flier to bring the price down to .79 cents. 1 bag of hot dog buns – regularly priced at .89 cents, used a coupon from the Safeway sales flier to bring the price down to .79 cents. Each store had a different sale on buns, and since both stores had a limit of 2 per transaction at the sales price, I bought buns at both stores in order to maximize my savings. 2 20-count boxes of hamburger patties – price: $8.99 each, for a total cost of $17.98. 1.55 lbs of onion – price: $1.22. These rang up at the wrong price initially, coming up at $1.53; so I went to customer service and got a .31 cent refund. 3 lb container of potato salad – price: $3.99 1.07 lb container of potato salad – price: $1.59. There was a weekend sale at the Safeway deli for potato salad at $1.49 per pound, so I decided to get 4 lbs for my party. However, the guy at the deli let me know that it would actually be cheaper to buy one of the 3 lb pre-packaged potato salads, and then get one separate pound of the $1.49 potato salad. So thank you, deli guy, for saving me money!
Next stop, Fred Meyer. Remember the chicken I bought there on Wednesday that turned out to be rotten? Well, I took it back to the store to see if I could return it. The unopened package smelled so awful that I had to drive with the car window rolled down. As I stood in line at customer service, everyone inched away from me and gave me funny looks. When I showed the package to the customer service rep, she practically gagged from the stench! Suffice to say, it was obvious that I had been sold rotten meat and they had no issues with refunding my $2.57!

Total spent: $104.69, paid for by Johnson & Johnson Receipt to come once my scanner is back up and running!
48 ears of corn – on sale for 12 for $3.00, final cost: $12.00 1 package of Chocolate ChipMate cookies – price: $1.77 6 boxes of Boca veggie burgers – price: $2.50 each, final cost: $15.00 3 boxes of Zips crackers (store brand for Ritz) – price: $1.99 each, final cost: $5.97 1 box of disposable cutlery (150 pieces total) – price: $6.99 1 package of plastic cups – price: $2.69 2 quarts of half and half – price: $1.50 each, total cost: $3.00 1 bottle of ketchup – price: .85 cents 1 package of chocolate cookies – price: $1.79 5 packages of hamburger buns – your first two are priced at .39 cents each, and each package after that is .89 cents. Total cost: $3.45 2 packages of hot dog buns – they were all out of the .89 cent buns, so I bought two of the next cheapest kind for $1.19 each. Total cost: $2.38 2 heads of red leaf lettuce – price: $1.29 each. Total cost: $2.58 1 package of white chocolate ChipMate cookies – price: $1.77 1 package of chicken drumsticks (roughly 4 lbs worth) – to replace the rotting meat from Wednesday! Price: $3.63 1 tub of Fromage Blanc cheese spread – marked down to $2.49 1 bag of croutons – price: $1.50 1 box of vanilla wafers – price: $1.79 1 big block of cheese – price: $4.99 1 package of pepperoni – price: $3.00 2 lbs of organic salad mix – price: $4.99 each, total cost: $9.98 6 bottles of BBQ sauce – these were marked on the shelf as being .69 cents each, with no limits stated on any of the signs. But when they rang up, only a few came up at the sale price and the rest came up at .85 cents. When I asked the cashier about it, she spent a long time trying to ring and re-ring the sauce to figure out what was going on. It was extremely confusing, and after 15 minutes she eventually said, “Let’s just total you out and then I’ll refund the difference.” After she did this, we saw that only 3 had been rung up. The cashier told me that I ought to “Just take” the other 3 bottles without paying for them. I insisted that no, I was going to pay for them, so she ended up ringing the other 3 up in another transaction and having the same problem. She finally called a manager and they told her that the sale was supposed to have been .69 cents for your first two and then .85 cents for each one after that. Since she rang them up in two transactions, I ended up paying .69 cents each for four and .85 cents for two, for a total of $4.46. Very confusing!!! 1 bottle of mustard – price: .99 cents 3 gallons of ice cream – price: 3.99 each, total cost: $11.97
I also received .35 cents in bag credits for bringing my own bags.
So my total cost for food was $198.17 – just under the $200 that Johnson & Johnson sent me to buy party supplies with. The day of the party, we found out that we needed to buy a tank of gas for the grill, and it also dawned on me that I needed coolers and ice for the drinks and meat. I also wanted to get an ice cream scooper, since I didn’t have one. The cost for these supplies was about $50 – I say “About” because Jai picked these items up for me while I did other party prep, so I don’t have the receipts. It didn’t occur to me that I needed these things until after I had bought the food, which is why I didn’t work them into the stipend budget. But it was well worth it – we had a great party with a huge spread, and I have a HUGE amount of food left over. And most importantly, we raised a lot of money for an important cause! I’ll be posting party photos later today and showing you what I’m going to do with the leftovers, so stay tuned!
Posted in Cause Party, Fred Meyer, Safeway | No Comments »
Sunday, August 23rd, 2009
Click here to sign up for a coupon good for $5 worth of Halo dog or cat food. You can click here to locate a store near you – there appear to be a few retailers that carry this in Portland, so local readers take note!
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Saturday, August 22nd, 2009
 Today is the day of my big party! I’ll have lots of pictures to share with you on Monday of the food I bought with the stipend from Johnson & Johnson. But right now, I’ve got a soiree to get ready for! I hope everyone has a nice weekend!
Posted in Cause Party | No Comments »
Friday, August 21st, 2009
I have a special shopping trip to report today – because my whole trip was paid for by Johnson & Johnson. You see, I was selected to be a J&J Cause Party hostess, which means that on Saturday I will be hosting a charity fundraiser in my home to benefit one of my favorite causes. Johnson & Johnson are providing all the party supplies – they’ve sent me party favors for all the guests and a $300 stipend. $100 of this will be donated to charity, and the other $200 is to be used to purchase food for the party.
The charity that I have chosen is LifeStraw, a personal water purification device that makes filthy water drinkable. Each guest is being asked to bring $6.50, which is the cost to deliver one LifeStraw into the hands of an African child. The point of the cause party is to show that a little bit can make a big difference – so this program is right up my alley!
Yesterday night I headed over to Fred Meyer to pick up a few things for the party. I normally prefer to make most of my own food for gatherings, but since I’m short on time this week and will have a lot of people attending, I decided to keep it simple and stick to pre-packaged and easy to prepare foods. This is just a small portion of what we’ll be having – I’ll be doing the rest of the shopping today, so that the perishable items will be fresh for the party.

Total: $61.70 – all paid for by Johnson & Johnson, and I still have $138.30 left to buy the rest of the party food with. Total before store coupons & bag credit: $72.33 The hard drive just went out on my main computer, so I can’t currently use my scanner – I will upload the receipt as soon as my system is back up and running!
1 package of paper plates (115 total) – price: $4.99 2 packages of hot dog buns – your first two are .39 cents each, and each additional after that is .89, so I figured I’d split it up between trips and buy a few more next time. Total cost: .78 cents 2 packages of hamburger buns – same price as above. Total cost: .78 cents 2 value packs of chips (44 bags altogether) – $5.99 each. Notice how I picked the package that contains $50 worth of coupons! Total cost: $11.98 1 package of foam cups (51 total) – price: $1.49 1 package of napkins (250 total) – price: $2.39 6 boxes of soda (72 cans total) – originally priced at $2.50 each, used a “6 for $10” coupon from the Fred Meyer sales flier to bring the price down to roughly $1.67 each, plus .60 cents for the bottle deposit. Total cost: $13.60 4.03 lbs of chicken drumsticks – price: $3.99 4.14 lbs of chicken drumsticks – price: $4.10 3.61 lbs of chicken drumsticks – price: $3.57 4.85 lbs of chicken thighs – price: $2.57. Unfortunately, the package smelled a little funny when I got it home (and I haven’t opened it) – I don’t know for sure if it’s “off”, but there’s no way I’m cooking anything even slightly dodgy. I have no idea if I’ll be able to return it, but if not, I’ll just have to call it a loss. 4 lbs of butter – originally priced at $2.39 each, used a coupon from the Fred Meyer sales flier to bring the price down to $1.25. Total cost: $5.00 2 half-gallons of milk – originally priced at $1.59 each, used a coupon from the Fred Meyer sales flier to bring the price down to .88 cents. Total cost: $1.76 5 packages of hot dogs (40 hot dogs total) – .99 cents each, total cost: $4.95
Posted in Cause Party, Fred Meyer | No Comments »
Thursday, August 20th, 2009
 Today marks the one-year anniversary since my first post, so I’d like to take a minute to thank my loyal readers for making this such a fun place to share my frugal adventures!
And since it’s my blog’s birthday, I’d like to celebrate in a typically frugal fashion by sharing this link to FreeBirthdayTreats.com. It has a full list of birthday offers and discounts by state, and you can register to receive all sorts of free things on your birthday.
Here’s to another great year of savings!
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Wednesday, August 19th, 2009
Click here to print a coupon good for one free film developing at Walgreens, valid today only (8/19). Although I love digital cameras, I’ve never stopped shooting on film – in fact, I use black and white film exclusively!
For those of you with a more modern approach to photography, you can still click here to receive 25 free prints if you set up a new account at Walgreens Photo before 8/24 – select “In-store” pick-up to avoid shipping costs.
Thanks to The Freebie Blogger for these picture-perfect deals!
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