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Archive for December, 2008
Wednesday, December 17th, 2008
I’m still limping around too much to go shopping, but here’s a trip from earlier last week when I was more mobile:

Total spent: $6.68 Total before coupons: $10.31 View receipt
.43 pounds of organic, fair trade coffee 1 bottle of Coffee Mate – on sale for $2.50, used a $1/1 printable, which doubled. Coffee Mate has extra $1/1 coupons that you can print as part of their promotion for the holiday flavors – so if you’ve hit your print limit on the others, check the new one out! 1 bag of Fresh Gourmet crispy onion salad toppings – on sale for $2.79, used a .55/1 printable, which doubled. .24 pounds of green beans – used a peelie coupon good for .55 cents off green beans with the purchase of Fresh Gourmet salad toppings. The green beans were only .72 cents, and the coupon doubled, resulting in .33 cents of overage.
Next stop, Rite Aid –

Total spent: $4.84 – but I will get back $2 in rebates. Total before coupons: $9.59 View receipt
1 package of Kotex – on sale for $3.59, used a .75/1 coupon that I received in the mail. 1 tube of Maybelline lipstick – on sale for $6, used a $4/1 coupon from the 12/7 Red Plum newspaper inserts. And I will get a $2 rebate back, making it free! See, at least I didn’t miss all the free lipstick deals last week!
Hopefully, I’ll be able to walk around normally in the next few days. In the meantime, Jai has been picking up groceries as needed, so the budget for December will reflect that accordingly.
Posted in Rite Aid, Safeway | No Comments »
Sunday, December 14th, 2008
Each week, BeCentsAble highlights a “Censtable Savings Story”, where coupon users will share how they got their start and how much they’ve saved thanks to coupon shopping. I found it very inspiring to read these kind of stories when I first started using coupons, because it showed me what was possible. This week, I shared my savings story on BeCentsAble. I talk about what my budget used to be like, what prompted me to start using coupons, and how far I’ve come. So if you’re curious, check it out, and don’t miss all the other great savings stories!
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Friday, December 12th, 2008

I was down for the count yesterday, because I paid a visit to the podiatrist and had a minor toe surgery done. But I still managed to squeeze in one coupon deal – I actually made a profit at Walgreens filling a prescription for my foot! I would have never thought it was possible to come out ahead on prescriptions (especially since I don’t have health insurance), but such is the magic of coupons.
To start with, I was very fortunate that my prescription only came to a little over $13. That would have been enough of a relief in and of itself, but I was able to use two deals to save me even more. First, I handed over my Together RX card. This is a free discount card for people without prescription coverage, and it saved me about $3. Then, I redeemed this printable coupon for a free $25 Walgreens gift card with a transferred prescription – so I only paid $10.84, and got a $25 gift card back! Click here to view my receipt.
Thanks to Hot Coupon World for both of these deals. They have a special forum just for prescription deals which is a must read if you’re about to fill one yourself. I’ve been able to do similar gift card deals at Rite Aid and Safeway this year, which has been fantastic.
I’ll have to console myself with my gift card, since I’ll be missing out on the free lipstick this weekend. I can barely walk around the house, let alone hobble through Walgreens. But those of you who will be a little more mobile this weekend should check it out!
Posted in Prescription Deals, Walgreens | No Comments »
Wednesday, December 10th, 2008
You can now load “E-Coupons” from Proctor & Gamble directly onto your Safeway club card! Click here for more info, and get your card registered! Thanks so much to BeCentsAble for the heads-up.
I can’t wait to try this out – Money Saving Mom has some useful information about these e-coupons, and mentions that they can also be stacked with a manufacturer’s coupon for even more savings! Some of her deal ideas for Kroger may also work at Safeway, depending on the sale prices. I’ll keep you posted with any good deals I discover using these e-coupons!
Posted in Safeway | No Comments »
Wednesday, December 10th, 2008

I goofed up on my Walgreens EasySaver Rebates for November. I forgot to log in at the end of the month and request my rebate, but I figured it was no big deal, since they process them automatically at the end of the rebate period. I’ve always requested my rebates on a gift card, because I earn a 10% bonus for doing so, which enables me to make a profit every time I get an item that is free after rebate. I just assumed that it would reload onto my gift card automatically – not true. I logged on to the EasySaver website last week and saw that it was processed as a check, so no 10% bonus. Since it was still processing, I thought it was worth giving the customer service hotline a call, to see if there was still time to put it on to a gift card instead. The 10% was only $2.69, so it wouldn’t have been a huge loss, but hey – every penny counts.
The customer service rep said that I could definitely get my rebate on a gift card, but he said that I would need to call back in a week. Once they had processed more information regarding the rebate, they would be able to switch it over to a gift card for me. Well, I guess they processed it much faster than the rep had anticipated, because I received a check a few days later! But the rep had also mentioned that even if the check got issued, they could put a stop on it and re-issue it on a card. So I called the hotline again this afternoon to see if it would still be possible to do that, or if it was too late. The rep I spoke with today told me to go ahead and cash the check, and they will send me a gift card with the 10% bonus amount of $2.69 on it! How awesome is that? I really appreciate them doing that, since it was my mistake in the first place.
Bonus: The rebate check came with a coupon for Skittles!
Posted in Walgreens | No Comments »
Monday, December 8th, 2008
One of the questions I get asked a lot is, “Where do you get all of these coupons from?” When people see me buying 24 boxes of pasta, it’s natural for them to wonder how I’m doing it. After all, it wouldn’t be very cost effective to buy 24 newspapers every week. There are lots of good ways to get extra coupons – trading coupons with other people, ordering from a clipping service – but the one that’s worked the best for me is visiting my local recycling center. This method, lovingly referred to as “Dumpster Diving”, involves scouring the recycling center’s newspaper bin for inserts. This may sound gross, scary, or just plain bizarre, so I’d like to explain a little more about it.

Yes, that’s me in front of the newspaper bin! I was first introduced to the concept of dumpster diving for coupons when I read this helpful thread on Hot Coupon World. They talked about how you could get loads of extra newspaper inserts by looking through the recycling bin. “That’s cool,” I thought, “But I’d never sift through the trash for coupons.”
A few months went by, and I kept thinking about how I could stockpile so much more, if only I had more copies of the paper. I did a lot of trading for coupons that I needed, but that can be time intensive and requires an investment in postage. All of a sudden, digging through the recycling bin didn’t seem like such a bad idea. My quest to save money won out, and I put my snobbery aside and decided to try it. Much to my surprise, the recycling center was clean, and had the newspaper all in one bin, separate from anything else. In fact, there’s even a little “Freecyle” area, where people leave things that they don’t need for others to use – I found a cool, working camera there once.
The newspaper bin was a coupon lovers dream: huge piles of newspaper, as far as the eye can see. It was a gold mine of inserts, and my box quickly filled up with coupons. And since it was just newspaper, there was no icky stuff lurking in the bin. I’m pretty uptight about cleanliness, so if I’m willing to do it, you know it’s not that bad. And the savings were immediate: having so many copies of the inserts allowed me to slash my budget even further. So how does a dumpster diving trip work?

As you can see, I bring two plastic bins with me. I pull out a mound of newspaper, and sift it into two piles: the inserts go in one box, the unwanted newspaper goes in another. After I sort through one pile, I dump out the unneeded paper and get another stack. In just 15 or 20 minutes, I can have a mound of great inserts. Sometimes I stay longer and fill the box to the brim. How often I go depends on my schedule – sometimes I’ll go once or twice in a week, sometimes weeks will pass without a trip. There’s usually several weeks worth of newspapers in the bin at any given time, so I can catch up with the inserts if I haven’t been there for a while. I’ve even found an insert from December of 2007 in there!! I guess some people hang onto their recycling for a long time.
I actually haven’t bought the newspaper for about a month or two, because I’ve been getting so many papers at the recycling center that there was no point. However, I’m going to start buying one copy per week again, because now that the weather is getting nastier, it’s not practical to go as often.

See how many inserts I got for 20 minutes worth of easy work? These trips save me so much money – if you got paid a hundred dollars for an hour’s worth of work, would it be worth it to you? It certainly is to me. So how do you get started? Here’s a few tips and tricks:
Check your local rules and regulations: Every area has different policies regarding their recycling bins, so make sure that it’s OK to dumpster dive in your town. Bring supplies: You’re going to want at least two big boxes to sort newspaper with. Or, if you prefer, you can load up a few boxes with paper, sort it at home, and then drop off the unused paper later. And don’t forget the hand sanitizer! Leave the area better than you found it: I’m sure this goes without saying, but don’t make a mess. Be neat and clean about your dumpster diving, and don’t leave newspaper strewn about. If I find a cereal box or bottle thrown in the newspaper bin by mistake, I help out by putting it in the right bin. Have fun! You’ve gotta laugh at the absurdity of digging through the recycling for coupons, but trust me – you’ll be saving too much money to care!
What do you guys think? Have you ever been dumpster diving?
Posted in Articles | 67 Comments »
Sunday, December 7th, 2008

Total spent: .97 cents Total before coupons: $38.50
View receipt #1 View receipt #2 View receipt #3 View receipt #4 View receipt #5 View receipt #6 View receipt #7
24 boxes of Ronzoni pasta – on sale for $1.50, used 24 $1/1 coupons from the 10/5 Smart Source newspaper inserts. Free after coupon and doubles! 1 bottle of Coffee Mate – on sale for $2.50, used a $1/1 printable coupon – making the final price .97 cents after coupon, doubles, and bag credit.
I’ve been hanging onto my Ronzoni coupons, waiting for it to go back on sale. So if any of my readers who shop at Safeway still have these coupons, go get your free pasta!
Rite Aid:

Total spent: $5.00. But I will get back a $5 rebate, making it free!
View receipt
1 surge protector
For some reason, the surge protector was ringing up $16, even though it was supposed to be on sale for $5. The cashier manually overrode the price, and I asked if that would affect the rebate. She said no, because I did get the correct product for the rebate, so I should still receive the $5 rebate as advertised. But if I have any problems, I can always take it back. They were all out of the headphones that were free after rebate this week, but I got a rain check for it which will allow me to get them for free once they restock.
Also, Rite Aid is running a promotion called “The Gift of Savings”, where you can receive gift certificates for making purchases at Rite Aid through December 24. Check out this page on I Heart Rite Aid for the full scoop!
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