This afternoon I discovered that my web provider, Bluehost, had a very serious database error that caused my comment table to crash. What this means is that when my readers tried to leave comments today, they were erased and not posted. I’m not sure when exactly this issue arose, but I do not see any comments on the site with today’s date, so I fear that this could have gone on for as long as 24 hours. The database was repaired at around 5 PM PST this afternoon, so comments should be back to normal now.
Here is the explanation that Bluehost tech support provided me with:
DaveB: [6:00:40 PM] The comments table had crashed. It was likely due to a pending write that occurred as soon as the mysql server had issues. Unfortunately, the comments submitted during that time never got written to the database so there’s no way recover them.
I am so sorry to all of my readers who left comments and entered my giveaways today. Because of this problem, I am extending all of the current giveaways by one day.
eh it happens..your still a rockstar to me! Love the pic btw 😉
Aww, I <3 you Candace! And that pic is totally a stick figure representation of how I looked today. 😉