Guest Post: Storebrand Formula – How Does it Stack Up?

Today’s guest post comes to us courtesy Devon of Mama Cheaps!

When I was a Mama-to-Be, I just assumed that I would breastfeed. I didn’t really give it a second thought. When that turned out not to be the best option for us, I was faced with an important decision to make. What kind of formula should I feed Lily Bean? Of course I wanted only the best, while at the same time, I wanted to save any money I could. I had received some samples while pregnant of Similac Advance and Enfamil Lipil. They are very similar formulas from two different companies.

I signed up for the Enfamil Family Beginnings
and Similac StrongMoms programs. Both send samples and valuable coupons for formula. They were a big help, but as the coupons starting to come fewer and farther in between, I started to look for something more economical. I started to investigate the various store brands out there.

In the end, Biker Bob and I decided to go with Costco’s store brand, Kirkland Formula with Iron. I’m happy to say, after several months on this formula, Lily Bean has done great, no problems at all! We had compared ingredients with the Costco brand to Similac and Enfamil and found them to be nearly identical. In fact, Costco’s formula even has a handy comparison chart on their label:
As you can see, it’s pretty much the same.

Here’s the big difference: THE PRICE. The Costco brand is less than HALF the price of the Similac and Enfamil. Here’s how it breaks down (these are the prices that I got today at Costco and my local Giant Grocery Store):

Costco: Formula comes in a 2 pack. Two BIG (25.7 oz) cans (51.4 oz total) for $19.95.

Enfamil: ONE 25.7 oz can is $23.69.

Similac: ONE 23.2 oz container is $21.19.

And there you have it, Costco is the clear winner.

Of course, your pediatrician will tell you what’s the best choice for your baby, and breastfeeding is still the best option. But if your doctor gives you the go-ahead, and formula feeding is your choice, there are great deals out there!

Devon posts regularly on her blog, When she is not blogging or designing personalized candy wrappers for her store,Winterwood Press, she is spending time with her husband and her 13 month old daughter.

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