I wanted to let all of you know that Google Friend Connect will no longer be available on Super Coupon Girl beginning next month. Google has announced that it is discontinuing the Google Friend Connect service for non-blogger hosted sites, such as this once, effective on March 1st. So what does that mean for the 200+ readers who keep up with Super Coupon Girl via Google Friend Connect? It’s still not clear what will happen to those who are already followers – it’s possible that your subscriptions may stay intact, or my site could disappear from your dashboard altogether. Google is encouraging webmasters to create a Google+ page for their site instead, but I haven’t been able to find out if there will be a way to migrate over all the Google Friend Connect users. Because of all these unanswered questions, I am encouraging all of you who keep up with Super Coupon Girl via Google Friend Connect to follow this blog via one of these alternate methods to ensure that you won’t be cut off from our updates:
Google Friend Connect Alternatives:
- Subscribe via RSS. Subscribing in an RSS reader is probably the closest approximation to your Google Friend Connect experience – you can use any service you like, from My Yahoo! to Google Reader.
- Subscribe via email. This option will deliver a digest of our updates directly to your inbox each day.
- Become a fan on Facebook. “Liking” Super Coupon Girl on Facebook will provide you with updates as they happen in your newsfeed.
- Follow me on Twitter. Links to all of my blog posts are sent out on Twitter as well, so you can always follow me there to keep up with the latest news. (And I love to interact with my readers, so I always follow back!)
I’m not sure whether to be happy or sad about gfc going away! It’s one less thing to promote/keep track of, but at the same time it stinks…..
I know. I hate that it is going away:( Other ways for people to follow though!