Eversave is a website similar to Groupon that offers discounted vouchers to retailers. If you register for their site and sign up for their daily email list before December 31st, they will add a $5 credit to your account that you can use to purchase a coupon of your choice with. I definitely think it’s worth signing up to snag the credit now, as you can likely use it to get a good deal later. Thanks, Money Saving Mom and Just Married With Coupons!
[…] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Beeb Ashcroft. Beeb Ashcroft said: Free $5 Credit at Eversave – http://tinyurl.com/26fnjoe […]
[…] you remember last year when I advised you to snag a free $5 credit for Daily Deal site Eversave? Well, today is the day to use that credit! Today’s Eversave deal is a voucher for […]