Do you remember last year when I advised you to snag a free $5 credit for Daily Deal site Eversave? Well, today is the day to use that credit! Today’s Eversave deal is a voucher for MagazineOutlet.com, where you can get a 6-issue subscription to All You. If you’re unfamiliar with this magazine, it’s popular with couponers because each issue is full of coupons – you might want to click here to read my article about it for more information. Here’s how to get this deal:
For existing member with $5 credit:
1. Login to your Eversave account to view the MagazineOutlet.com deal.
2. Enter coupon code SHARE at checkout to deduct $3. If you have the $5 credit from their promotion in December, it will deduct this also, leaving you with a grand total of $2.00 to pay. That works out to .33 cents per issue – that’s the best deal I’ve ever seen on this magazine!
Not a member of Eversave yet? You can still get a pretty good deal through this scenario:
1. Click here to register for Eversave, and you will receive a $2 credit.
2. Enter coupon code SHARE at checkout to deduct $3. This, combined with your $2 new member credit, will bring the final total to $5 – this works out to about .83 cents per issue, which is equivalent to QSP’s subscription deal.
Thanks Money Saving Mom!