eBay Coupon Codes: 20% Off & More Via Groupon Coupons

This is a partnered post.

I’ve been couponing for eons now, and after a certain point, you think you’ve seen it all. So I’m always pleased when I discover a new and unexpected way to save money, which is exactly what happened this week. I’ve been using Groupon for years, including their more recent addition of Groupon Coupons, a database of over 77,000 promo codes for online retailers. I check for coupon codes every time I make an online purchase, but it’s never really occurred to me to look for coupons when I make a purchase on eBay. I’ve been shopping with them since the late 1990s and have seen maybe one or two coupons in that entire time, so I always just assumed they were a rarity. So imagine my pleasant surprise to discover that they have an entire page of eBay promo codes on Groupon Coupons! Current coupons include:

  • Promo code for 20% a purchase of $25 across most categories (Specifies “Fashion and jewelry to home decor and more”), valid for two uses per customer. This offer ends tomorrow, 05/04/17 so hurry and use this if you have any eBay purchases planned!
  • Promo code for 20% off musical instruments – some exclusions may apply, must be a purchase of $25 or more. This coupon also expires on 05/04/17.

Click here to snag these and other eBay promo codes. I’m pretty happy to find this new way to increase my savings on eBay – I’ll be making a few purchases on there this summer as I prepare for my August wedding, so now I know to check Groupon Coupons first! I guess you can teach an old dog new coupon tricks, after all. 😉


Have you discovered any creative new ways to save money recently? I’d love to hear about it in the comments!

5 Responses to “eBay Coupon Codes: 20% Off & More Via Groupon Coupons”

  1. 1
    Scott says:

    D’oh, I wish I had known about this! I just bought a $500 Alto Saxophone off of eBay!

  2. 2
    Kristi says:

    My dad has been looking at a guitar on ebay and debating if he wants it, of course want and need are a fine line lol. Will let him know about this so he can get a discount today.

  3. 3
    Marysa says:

    We love Groupon – what a great way to save. I’ve been buying a bunch of stuff to help us through the summer break without being bored (or broke!).

  4. 4

    That is so awesome! I’m a HUGE Groupon Coupon shopper. I check with them before I buy anything no matter what it is.

  5. 5
    Jacqui Odell says:

    I need to use Groupon more!! Ebay is one of my favorite places to shop!

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