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Archive for the ‘Stockpile’ Category
Wednesday, May 12th, 2010
 May has certainly been a packed month so far. As you know, I’ve been in the process of moving this blog and Contest Corner to my own host, and it’s been an all-consuming project. In light of the technical difficulties I’ve encountered during Contest Corner’s move, I have been spending a great deal of time researching the answers to these issues so that Super Coupon Girl’s transition to WordPress will be as easy as possible. With all this going on, I haven’t done any grocery shopping, save for picking up a gallon of milk or two – instead, I’ve been using what we already have on hand. That’s why I thought it would be a good time to declare this “Eat from the Stockpile” week here on Super Coupon Girl. Obviously, I’ll need to pick up the odd perishable item to supplement what we have, but the vast majority of the food which I prepare this week will come straight from my cupboards. This frees my time and attention up to focus on getting this site transfer done ASAP – and eating out of the larder is a good thing to do every once in a while anyway, no matter what you have going on. Here’s my top four reasons why eating out of the pantry is a great thing to do periodically:
1. Eating from your stockpile saves you time and money.
Smart couponing is all about getting the most value out of your time. You might use coupons and shop sales most of the time; but when in a time crunch, find yourself paying a lot of money for groceries or eating out. Or you might try to fit couponing into an overcrammed schedule by staying up late and rushing around like a madwoman clipping coupons – then give up in exhaustion, saying that it just isn’t possible because you’re too busy. Trust me, we’ve all been there! The key is to use your time carefully – and by stocking up on necessities when you can get them for free or steeply discounted, you’ll have things on hand to use when you’re short on time, which will help you avoid paying a lot for groceries when rushed.
2. Eating from your stockpile frees up space for future sales.
I’ve gotten into a good rhythm when it comes to buying essentials like meat – I purchase it in large quantities when it’s on a great sale (Like the recent deals on ham & beef) and pack my freezer full. Then I don’t have to buy meat for a long time while I use up what I have; this helps me avoid paying full price when there’s no good deals going. And by the time I’ve cleared out some space in my freezer, I can take advantage of the next good sale!
3. Eating from your stockpile reduces waste.
I hate wasting food, for a lot of obvious reasons. Letting food go bad is a waste of money and resources – I feel very lucky to have food when so many go hungry, so it’s sad to squander it. By eating from the pantry, I can use up what I have before it goes off; this goes hand in hand with pantry organization. I have some pasta and rice that needs to be used up soon, so this is the perfect opportunity to do so!
4. Eating from your stockpile can help you through a crisis.
If you need to cut back on your budget for the month, having food on hand is a great help. If you get sick or have a similar emergency, it can be comforting to have food available so that you don’t have to worry about shopping.
This week I’ll be sharing tips on how to best use what you have, as well as recipes and pictures of what we’re eating. So tell me, readers: How has your stockpile helped you out?
Posted in Stockpile | 7 Comments »
Monday, March 22nd, 2010
Before I show you what I made during this weekend’s freezer-cooking marathon, I want to start by giving you an idea of what I had on hand when I made my meal plan. Back in December, during the craziness of the holiday season, I got an awesome deal on meat that I never had a chance to share with you. On December 8th, I got $102.32 worth of meat for $41.65:
 This deal was the result of excellent timing. I entered the store with a coupon for $5 off any $25 Rancher’s Reserve beef purchase, from a pamphlet that Safeway was giving out during their grand re-opening. When I got my shopping cart, I found a second $5/25 meat coupon on the ground. And I got to the meat department right as they were putting out a goldmine of clearance beef, including a lot of nice steaks – so between the discounts on the beef and my coupons, I saved $60.67. The grand total for all my groceries on this trip was less than $56 – two of the items rang up at the wrong price, and I don’t recall the exact amount of the refund I received, but I believe it was around $3.00; which made the final cost about $53 altogether. The other deals I got included free clementines, free soup, free enchiladas, free peanut butter, free apple juice, and more – you can click here and here to see my receipts.
So as you can imagine, my freezer is still stuffed! The freezer cooking plan I came up with utilized some of this meat – and tomorrow, I’ll show you what fresh ingredients I bought to supplement what I had in my stockpile.
Posted in Coupon Menu Corner, Safeway, Stockpile | 1 Comment »
Tuesday, January 5th, 2010
 Happy New Year! I hope everyone enjoyed the holidays. I took a little time off to celebrate with my family – and also recover from the flu I picked up! 2009 was a very chaotic year for me, to say the least. There were big highs, like getting engaged and winning the Delicious Moments contest. And there were big lows, with deaths in the family. In between all this, I was working so much that I had little time to think of other things – it was an exciting year professionally, but I have a tendency to be a workaholic to the detriment of everything else. 2010 is about re-prioritizing my schedule so that I’m working smarter; i.e., no living off takeout anymore!
One of the first projects I’m working on this year is re-organizing my pantry. Something you have to watch when you have a big stockpile is expiration dates. Unfortunately, I was so busy with other things that I didn’t make the time to go through my cupboards last year, and many things have since expired. So this week, I’m throwing out anything that’s gone bad, and am marking my calendar to check the pantry again in six months. That way, we can use up items and donate any excess to the food bank before it goes off.
Are you getting re-organized for the new year? Tell me about it in the comments!
Posted in Life, Stockpile | No Comments »
Tuesday, July 14th, 2009
I have entered the All You Magazine Grocery Challenge contest, and today is the first official day of the competition. All You is challenging entrants to spend no more than $25 per person per week on groceries for one month, and the frugal champion will win some awesome prizes.
The rule for this contest is that any food you buy – be it groceries or eating out – will count towards your weekly total. 10 finalists will be chosen and asked to submit recipts for all of their food purchases during the contest period. You can also utilize stockpiled food, barter, and utilize home-grown foods. Household supplies such as cleaning items, toiletries, etc, do not count towards the weekly total.
I’m excited to begin the challenge, and it couldn’t have come at a better time! I’m sure you’ve probably noticed that I haven’t done much shopping lately. Life has been especially hectic recently, so I have been eating from my stockpile and also eating out a lot. I have a habit of turning to fast food when I’m stressed out – I’m sure many of you can relate. When you’ve had a crazy day, cruising through the drive-thru for a Big Mac sounds a lot better than cooking! This doesn’t help my budget or my waistline, so this contest is a perfect motivator to cut out the fast food.
Since I will be using stockpiled ingredients in some of our meals, I went through the house today and snapped photos of all my stockpiled food, to give you an idea of what I already have on hand:
Beans & soup

Bottled water

Lots of frosting!

Canned Goods

Baking supplies, Capri Sun, chocolate, tons of granola & protein bars, fruit snacks, lots of meat marinade, plenty of salad dressing, Crystal Lite, peanuts

More peanuts

Lots of rice and popcorn

Tons of pasta & pasta sauce, noodles, Rice-a-Roni, salsa, cooking oils, peanut butter, maple syrup, corn muffin mixes, etc.

Oatmeal, cereal, potatoes, Hamburger Helper, applesauce, tea, baking soda

Inside my freezer – a few pre-made frozen meals, berries, some meat, etc.
I’m going to be documenting what we eat every day, so that I can chart our progress in the challenge and also share my frugal meal ideas. Are any of my readers participating in the All You contest? Or are you doing your own personal budget challenge? I would love to hear from you!
Posted in All You Challenge, Stockpile | No Comments »
Thursday, July 2nd, 2009
While I was holding my estate sale this past weekend, I thought I’d make a little extra cash by selling some of my spare stockpile items. Remember some of the great catalina deals that I’ve talked about in the past for Glade Plug-Ins and Windex? Those deals served me well, and saved me massive amounts of money. And when all was said and done, I had more of those products than I needed, so I decided that I would sell the surplus as soon as we had a garage sale. And it worked out well!

I put out a bag full of plug-ins and a big tub full of Windex which I priced at $1.00 each. Most stores around here sell these items for around $3.99 (!), so it’s a good deal if you use those products. All the Windex sold out before I even had a chance to take a photo, and as you can see, the Glade supply was also pretty diminished. I wish I had counted how many plug-ins were in the bag – I think there were about 20 altogether. I sold 12 bottles of Windex total, along with all of the plug-ins, so in all I made about $32.00 off products that were free to begin with! Better than free, actually, because I made such a profit off the catalinas that these products generated in the first place.
This is an example of how your stockpile can really work in your favor. I think people get turned off by the idea of coupons because they don’t want to have cupboards full of junk – but it’s all about having a smart strategy. I abhor clutter, and I’m not big on keeping things around that don’t serve a purpose. My Windex/Glade stockpile has been very useful to me, in so many ways:
Items I Use: I like these products anyway, so I’m glad to have some extra on hand – I use the all-purpose Windex on a daily basis. But I definitely don’t need 60 bottles of it, which brings me to my next point.
Care Packages: I’ve been able to give lots of Windex and Glade away to my family and friends. Who doesn’t like free stuff, especially when it’s something practical? I love being able to share my freebies, and I’ve also cleared out some excess this way.
Donations: I’ve also been able to donate some of these supplies to local organizations. If you see a great money-making coupon deal, but hesitate because you don’t know what to do with all the excess, there are many charities and organizations that will glady take it off your hands.
Garage Sale: And, finally, you can profit once again by selling some of your stockpile at a garage sale. My Glade and Windex supply sold out quickly, and I’ve heard of other couponers having similar success.
Have you ever sold stockpile items at a yard sale? Or have you put your stockpile to some other creative use that wasn’t covered here?
Posted in Garage Sales, Stockpile | 1 Comment »
Sunday, September 7th, 2008
This is a question I get asked a lot. And it’s no surprise – when people see me pushing a shopping cart entirely filled with bottles of Sprite, they wonder what on earth I’m going to do with it. So what do my cupboards look like? Are they bursting at the seams?

Pasta, Ragu and Rice-a-Roni! I’m glad to have a little stockpile of these things, since they’re practical pantry staples to have on hand.

Plenty of meat marinade, drinks, and power bars.

I’m in the middle of a huge remodel, so my stockpile isn’t quite as organized as I’d like it to be, because the cabinets are still under construction! My boyfriend built this one just a few days ago, which is why it doesn’t have a door yet.

Mmm, peanuts!

Why yes, those are boxes of Kleenex next to the frosting. The bathroom is taking the brunt of the remodeling at the moment, and most of the bathroom stuff has been shuffled into other rooms in the meantime. I didn’t have anywhere else to put it, but trust me, you can’t have too much Kleenex around here.

Canned stuff. Tuna is another staple, so I’m glad to have a lot of it.
The truth is, I’m not a packrat, although it may sometimes appear that way. I don’t want to buy things simply for the sake of having more stuff – I hate clutter! I am big on stockpiling, but only if it’s actually useful to me. A pantry full of food is useful. 60 bottles of Windex? Not so much. That being said, if I’m going to get overage on an item, I’ll take as much as I can haul away. If the Windex is going to pay for my produce, I’d be a fool not to take it.
So the question is, what do you do with the excess? I’m planning on selling as much of the surplus as I can, either at a yard sale, an auction on Hot Coupon World, or even Ebay. It’s worth a try, and at the very worst, I can give it all away and will still have made a profit in the groceries that it paid for. In fact, I do plan on giving some of it away – to you, my readers! Next week, I’m going to start a series of blog giveaways. Each week will feature different, brand new items from my stockpile, along with a coordinating set of coupons. So keep checking back, you won’t want to miss it!
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