Archive for the ‘Life’ Category

Super Coupon Girl Was on The News!

Friday, June 1st, 2012

As you will recall from the recent post about my adventures shopping with a camera crew, I was recently interviewed by KOIN6 News about the Safeway Just4U savings program. The clip is now online, so check out the video above to watch me shopping and hear what I had to say about Just4U!

#SafewayJ4U Photos

Friday, May 18th, 2012

Safeway VIP Bloggers - Group Photo

Photo courtesy Crystal Abel

Crystal of Eccentric Eclectic Woman took some awesome photos at the Safeway Just4U event and was kind enough to let me post some of them here. Check it out!

Super Coupon Girl at Safeway Just4U!

Photo courtesy Crystal Abel

Here’s a photo of me, laughing as I use my iPhone!

Bloggers on The Bus!

Photo courtesy Crystal Abel

And here we are on the bus, on our way to shop at the Oregon City Safeway store!

Super Coupon Girl is Attending The #Safewayj4U Portland Blogger Event Tomorrow

Tuesday, May 15th, 2012


Tomorrow, May 16th, I will be heading into Portland to attend a special Safeway blogger event called #Safewayj4U. This event will give me the opportunity to get a sneak peek at a new savings program that Safeway is unveiling as well as the chance to meet other local bloggers. Since I’ve already spent so much time researching Safeway’s various discount and coupon programs in order to maximize my savings, I’m excited to get a first look at the new program which they’ll be rolling out and have the chance to ask the Safeway team questions about it. Perfect opportunity for a coupon nerd like me to pick their brains, right? 😀 Plus I can’t wait to meet other amazing coupon bloggers in the area! It’ll be a lot of fun, and once I come back I’ll have a full recap for you with info about the program.

Making a Fresh (Coupon) Start

Monday, January 30th, 2012

As I recover from this major knee injury, I’ve gradually been able to resume some of my normal activities one by one. I’m slowly but surely starting to clip coupons and shop again, and since I felt up to it today, I finally got a chance to reorganize my coupon stash. Since I’ve been out of commission for so long, my coupon cabinet was full of coupons that had long since expired.

Old coupons

This filing cabinet is filled with folders, which I use to file coupon inserts by date. I went through all of the folders and recycled everything – since these are so far out of date, they’re too expired to send to military families.

Expired coupons

This is like reverse dumpster diving! 😀

My coupon filing cabinet

With all the old coupons purged, I had room for my most recent insert, as well as my current store ad circulars. The “SS – 1/15” stands for Smart Source, 01/15/12 edition. By filing them this way, I can quickly and easily locate the coupons that I need.

Here’s to a fresh start, new coupons, and better health! 🙂

Saving Money When Your Mobility Is Limited

Wednesday, August 24th, 2011

You may have noticed that I haven’t posted any shopping trip recaps lately. The reason for this is that there simply haven’t been any! After having knee problems for an extended period of time, I finally got a diagnosis of dislocated patella. Turns out I had been walking around with two dislocated kneecaps for over a year – that explains why I’ve been having so much trouble for so long!! Luckily, the treatment for this does not require surgery. I’m following an outpatient program and do 1-2+ hours of physiotherapy every day. The upshot to this is that I have been pretty much housebound. I’ve had several backslides in recovery when my knees started feeling better and I tried to add more activity back into my daily life. In order to make sure that I heal up for good this time, I have to strictly limit all my activity – doctor’s orders. This means I pretty much have to stay put, sitting either here at my desk or on the couch, with my feet propped up and icepacks on my knees.

Because of all this, coupon shopping has been an impossibility. Jai is in charge of the shopping while I recover, so our strategy to minimize costs at the moment is to just buy food with inexpensive shelf prices, and take advantage of online sales whenever possible. We also have to keep it simple with foods that are quick to prepare, because I can’t stay on my feet for long. It’s unbelievably frustrating to be so limited, but the good news is that my efforts are paying off and my knees are getting stronger. My physiotherapist estimated that I’d start seeing real improvement by the end of next month, so my hope is that I will be able to resume some of my normal activities by then.

So readers, I’m curious: Have you ever been in a situation like this before? What did you do to reduce your expenses when you couldn’t clip coupons?

Frugal Fun: Starbucks Edition

Monday, May 16th, 2011

Half-priced frapps!

So how many of you took advantage of the “Half-Priced Frappuccino Happy Hour” last week? Jai and I stopped by Starbucks yesterday and used a gift card to pick up two frapps at no cost. It was a fun and frugal outing! 🙂

Starbucks receipt

A Jet Lagged Hello – And a $1 Off Produce Coupon at Safeway!

Wednesday, May 4th, 2011

Heading home
Taken during my flight home – en route from Iceland to the US

Hello everyone! I arrived home in Oregon late Monday night, so I’m getting settled in and resting up. I just wanted to pop my head in to say “Hi” and tell you about this great coupon that JANE4Girls shared on Facebook:

Safeway produce coupon

Click here to “Like” Safeway on Facebook, and you will be able to print a coupon for $1.00 off your produce purchase of $5.00 or more.

Homeward Bound

Monday, May 2nd, 2011

View of clouds from a plane window

As you read this, I’ll be getting on a flight home to the US! I’m taking the rest of this week off so I can get settled in and recover from jet lag; I have a few fun guest posts scheduled to run in the meantime. See you soon! 🙂

Happy Easter!

Sunday, April 24th, 2011

Happy Easter

I just wanted to wish my readers a happy Easter! This is my last week in England, so I’ll be spending the holiday with family. 🙂 I hope everyone has a great day, whatever your plans!

Call for Guest Posts: Homecoming Edition!

Tuesday, April 19th, 2011

Well, it’s official: I have booked my ticket home for May 2nd! I will have lots to catch up on once I return, so I’m scheduling some guest posts to run during my first week home as I get back up to speed and recover from jet lag.

If you’d like to submit a post:

Writer’s Guidelines:

  • Articles can be on any frugal topic.
  • There is no minimum word count.
  • To submit your post, send an email to with your name, your website/blog URL (if applicable), the article, and a short bio. If you have photos to go with your piece, feel free to attach those also.
  • Deadline for submissions is April 26th.

I’m very much looking forward to getting back to my normal routine and resuming my coupon-clipping! 🙂