Archive for the ‘Haul of Fame’ Category

$75 in Rugs For 3 Cents & More + Visuals For Surprise Pennies Found Feb. 10 2025

Monday, February 10th, 2025

$93 Dollar General shopping trip for .09 cents

This morning, I saw on Kristie’s Connections and Craz-E Coupons that there were now rugs for a penny at Dollar General. (If you’re new to penny shopping, check out my last two hauls here and here to learn more!) I was bummed that I was tied up with an appointment until the afternoon, because I figured any rugs at my store would have likely been pulled or bought by then. But no! I hit DG at around 3PM, and I found not one, but THREE chenille area rugs plus several placemats!!

Click all images to see full size
$75 in chenille area rugs for .03 cents!

3 chenille area rugs – originally $25 each
3 Perfect Harvest place mats – originally $2 each
4 Dolly Parton place mats – originally $3 each

So I bought $93 in merchandise for .09 cents!

Dollar General receipt for February 10th, 2025

If you’re doing the math with me, you’re correct that this transaction should have been .10 cents. I’m guessing that the place mats must have stuck together and the cashier missed one while ringing up, because I thought I had three of the Dolly Parton place mats until I got home, took the photo, and realized there were four.🙁 In fact, these place mats stuck together so much that I didn’t even realize there were Perfect Harvest place mats in the stack as well until right before I checked out – I thought I was just grabbing a few Dolly place mats, and then they multiplied!

At any rate, I haven’t seen the rug pattern that I got on Kristie’s Connections or Craz-E Coupons, so it was a surprise penny to me and probably will be to you as well, so here is the UPC info:

Click all images to see full size
Chenille rug surprise penny UPC

The place mats were also surprises to me, but I don’t think they were a part of this most recent penny list, because I saw the Dolly Parton items in videos a month or two ago when I first heard about penny shopping; the other two are autumn-themed and like I said, really stuck to the Dolly place mats so I assume they pennied around the same time since they’ve clearly been sitting there so long. The place mat stack was underneath a metal basket in the home goods section and I have seen them in the same spot during previous visits, so I’m guessing they just never got pulled. So you’re less likely to find these at your stores, but just in case anyone wants them, here’s the UPCs:

Click all images to see full size
Dolly Parton place mat UPC

Perfect Harvest orange place mat UPC

Perfect Harvest place mat UPC

I am absolutely thrilled about this haul, because I needed to get a few more rugs – I have two pet bunnies that free roam in a couple of rooms, and rabbits need soft surfaces to walk on because it’s hard for them to hop on smooth surfaces, and it can cause sore hocks. We just got a new rug for the living room because the last one had worn out; I have a couple of older rugs in the kitchen that I inherited from Grammy, but they’re also pretty worn, they don’t match the kitchen or each other and aren’t very big. So this was an item on my shopping list, and rugs are typically SO expensive, so what a freaking savings this was!!

Huge thanks again to Kristie’s Connections and Craz-E Coupons for sharing the rug info today and making this happen! Craz-E Coupons also gave Super Coupon Girl a shoutout and shared our Sunday haul photo in her video this morning, which was really fun to watch – click here to check it out and subscribe to her channel!

146.66 Worth of Items For .43 Cents at Dollar General, Plus Info For 3 New (?) Penny Items I Found!

Tuesday, February 4th, 2025

A Full Cart For .43 Cents

Today I’m sharing my Dollar General Haul, plus info for 3 new penny items I found that I haven’t seen listed elsewhere – read on to see my whole shopping trip or click here to jump to the images of the new penny items!

It’s been a long dry spell for me as far as coupons and deals are concerned, because the coupons on offer recently just haven’t been the same as back in the glory days. However, I’ve noticed that coupon deals have been picking up lately, and it’s been exciting to start doing hauls again! This morning, I scored a deal that reminded me of hauls I did during the early days of this blog: I picked up 44 items from Dollar General, worth approximately $146.66, for just .43 cents! That would be a great deal any time, but that’s an extraordinary deal for 2025!

Screenshot of my DG order history

My receipts shown in the DG app – I did 2 transactions, because I found a few more items on my way out and got back in line before I left!

I got one item for free with a coupon, and the rest were clearance items priced at 1 cent each. If you’re unfamiliar, Dollar General marks some clearance items down to a penny; I just learned about this recently through a video from Coupon Daddy, who was showing a penny haul and recommended the fabulous resource Kristie’s Connections. To learn more, check out Kristie’s “How To Penny Shop Dollar General” page and bookmark her site and YouTube channel, as this will be your go-to resource for finding penny deals! Last night and early this morning, I watched this video and this video from her channel about today’s penny deals, and with this list in hand, went in to my DG first thing this morning and hit the jackpot! I’m brand new to penny shopping, and this was a fabulous way to get started!

Click the image to see the haul full size!

Click the image to see my haul full size!

So here’s the breakdown of what I got – the first item on the list was free after coupon, and each item after that was one penny. I’ve listed the full retail price for each penny item, just to give you an idea of what an amazing deal this was; since these are clearance items, it didn’t say what the original price was on the receipt, so what I did was look up the price of each item online in order to get an approximate retail value.

1 Air Wick Warmer – regularly $4, free after using the $4 off coupon in the DG app
4 bags of Ghirardelli chocolate – regularly $5
1 Fisher-Price Poppity Pop Hipppo – regularly $21.79
1 Fisher-Price Poppity Pop Turtle – regularly $7.88
1 Kiddy Dough Mini Dough Factory – regularly $7
1 Nerf gun – regularly $18.99
3 Storm Squad Blasters – regularly $12 each
16 fuzzy creature keychains – regularly $1 each
5 sparkly bird pens – regularly $1 each
10 Christmas 6 Color Pens – regularly $1 each

So my total from both transactions came to .43 cents for approximately $146.66 worth of items!!!

And, just in case anyone is wondering why I need 16 big-eyed, fuzzy keychains: The only products I am keeping for myself from this haul are pens and chocolate. The rest will be either gifted or donated – I have a little bag set aside to donate to a local classroom, gifts picked out for my nieces and nephews, and products being saved for other future gifting as well as this year’s Christmas toy drives. Early, I know, but I collect things year-round as I find sales! 😉 I only mention this because sometimes when people see a photo with a ton of items/multiples of the same product, it can be perceived as overconsumption or hoarding, and I see that kind of question come up a lot. So don’t worry, because nothing’s going to waste here and everything will be shared widely and enjoyed! 🙂

3 New Dollar General Penny Deals: The products are listed below, followed by a closeup photo of the item and a photo of the UPC number – you can click on all of these images to view them full size.

None of my penny deals today would have been possible without Kristie’s Connections, so huge thank you to her! One of the things she mentioned in her video this morning was that she expects that a lot of other clearance toys may be marked down to a penny also, and she recommended scanning all of the clearance toys at your local store by using your phone and the DG app to check the price. I did just that, and thanks to that tip I ended up discovering 3 new products that were also a penny!! I did not see these anywhere on Kristie’s list or on any other coupon creator content, so I wanted to share them here in case you guys can find them at your stores and snag a deal too!! If anyone has listed these already and I just missed it, please let me know, and I’ll update this and add their blog/social handles to this post! The first item I’m sharing is a brand/product I didn’t see anywhere on today’s list, and the second two are new variations of products from the list, i.e. separate items from the same product line with different UPCs.

Product #1 – Storm Squad Blaster:

Storm Squad Blasters

Storm Squad Blasters UPC

Product #2 – Kiddy Dough Mini Dough Factory:

Kiddy Dough Mini Dough Factory

Kiddy Dough Mini Dough Factory UPC

Product #3 – Fisher-Price Poppity Pop Turtle:

Fisher-Price Turtle

Fisher-Price Turtle UPC

Readers: Did YOU score any penny deals today? Did you find any new penny deals you want to share with us? Tell us in the comments below!