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Archive for September, 2008
Monday, September 22nd, 2008
Well, my very first giveaway was a resounding success! I have chosen a winner via the number generator at Random.org. Here is a screen shot of the winning number:

Since the comments aren’t numbered, I simply counted the entries until I reached 141. To ensure accuracy and fairness, I had a third party (in other words, my boyfriend) count the posts as well. And the winning entry is….

Looks like her husband will be doing some fall cleaning! Congratulations Mina, I have sent an email notifying you and will mail out your prize as soon as I get your address.
Thank you to everyone who entered! I had so much fun reading all your comments. I hope that you will come back to enter my next giveaway, which will be posted later on today!
Posted in Giveaways | No Comments »
Monday, September 22nd, 2008

Total spent: $3.53 – the most I’ve spent in a while! Total before coupons: $44.20
View Receipt #1 View Receipt #2
I got:
A 10 pound bag of sugar 1 Sunday paper 3 packages of sponges 6 plug-ins Half a pound of mushrooms 1 pizza pan 1 pizza cutter (3 guesses what we’re having for dinner tonight!) About half a pound of fair trade & organic coffee – I noticed we were running dangerously low, even though I just bought a bag on Wednesday! This has definitely been a quad-shot week. Another coffee canister, free with coffee
As you can see, this was an “expensive trip” for me. I did two transactions, and the first one came to $1.54, after I handed all my $2 catalinas to the cashier. He said, “Do you have a dollar [ONYO]?” He was surprised when I said no, because it’s rare for them to see me spend more than a dollar at a time! But then I pointed to all the ONYOs that had printed out, and said, “But I’m still getting all those back, so I don’t feel too gypped.” We both started laughing. My Safeway is seriously awesome.
For the second transaction, I used the ONYOs that I had gotten back to pay for the coffee and pizza cutter. It’s hard to estimate your total right to the penny when you’re buying things that are sold by weight, so I just have to take my best guess. The total this time was $1.99. I suppose I could have used an extra ONYO during each transaction and gotten change back, but I don’t like doing that, so I just got it as close as I could. I figure $3.53 for $44 worth of groceries is still a good deal, not to mention that I still have $6 worth of ONYOs to use later.
I’m going to have fun with the pizza stuff. When I’ve made pizza in the past, I would just put it in a square baking pan, so this will be nice. I made a pizza earlier in the week using my new bread maker, and it was so good and simple that I couldn’t wait to make another one!
Posted in Produce Deals, Safeway | No Comments »
Sunday, September 21st, 2008
Don’t forget, today is the last day to enter my first Stockpile Giveaway! The winner will be chosen and announced on Monday. And be sure to check back tomorrow for Week Two of the Stockpile Giveaway!
Posted in Giveaways | No Comments »
Sunday, September 21st, 2008

Total spent: $1.46 – but was subsequently refunded $1.99 Total before coupons: $17.19 – this is the true retail value of the items, not the receipt total. And I earned a power pump reward, bringing my total to 20! That’s $2.00 off gas!
I got:
4 Glade plug-ins (but it should have been 5!) 2 corn muffin mixes 1 package of Kotex 1 can of beans 1 bag of Twisted Cheetos – not pictured, because we already ate them all!
The cashier who rang me up was extremely nice, but everything rang up screwy. I had it calculated that after coupons, my total would be 5 cents. It came out to $1.04 (Cheetos were bought in a separate transaction), so I paid and then looked at my receipt in the car. Sure enough, I had bought 5 plug-ins, but it rang up incorrectly as 6. So I took my receipt back into have it fixed. Now, my total was only $1.04, but the warmers are $1.99 – I gave her more ONYOs than I would have if my original total had been correct, so it got all messed up. I explained this, and she looked at the receipt and told me she was just going to refund the full price of the plug-in that rang in wrong, so I got a $1.99 refund. And it gets even more confusing – when I got home, I realized I now only had 4 plug-ins in my bag – she had pulled one out to scan it, and did not put it back in the bag. To top it all off, when I pulled out the receipt to add up the totals for this post, I realized that she had not rung up my can of beans at all!! I can’t believe I didn’t notice this when I was looking at my receipt in the parking lot, but I am running off so little sleep that I completely missed it. (And this is after drinking a shot of pure, straight espresso!) Another thing that dawned on me later was that it printed out too many Glade ONYOs, since she scanned it six times instead of five. I should have just gotten five, but I counted and sure enough, there are six. She just handed me a stack of them, and I wasn’t paying attention. What a mess!!!!
Posted in Safeway | No Comments »
Friday, September 19th, 2008
I was having a Hallmark moment this afternoon:

Total spent: 0 – I made .73 cents profit (see below!) Total before Hallmark discount: $177.27 (may have been slightly higher, I don’t think I got a receipt for one of the transactions) I earned 2 gas discounts, bringing the running total to 19! That’s $1.90 off gas so far! I also got more of the plug-ins, so I received 6 of the $2 catalinas back. And to top it all of, a customer in front of me did not want their catalina for free margarine – so they turned around and handed it to me!
There’s way too many receipts for me to scan them all in, as you can see!

ETA: I got so many groceries yesterday that when I got in my car this morning, I discovered 2 more bags that I missed when I was bringing everything in!! I’ve updated the totals to include these items:

Here’s what I got:
21 packets of Ramen 1 Spam Single 1 packet of “Choice” Ramen 2 cup-o-noodles 1 packet of plastic cutlery (for the boyfriend) 4 packages of TP (16 rolls altogether) 5 rolls of paper towels 2 packages of napkins (400 napkins total) An 8-pack of purse sized tissue 6 plug-ins 1 package of cookies (notice how the package is already torn into? Yum yum!) 2 cans of black beans 2 cans of garbanzo beans 1 can of water chesnuts 1 can of corn 2 jars of artichoke hearts 7 Yakisoba bowls 2 Halloween cookie cutters 6 bags of rice (12 pounds altogether) 120 or so Halloween cards – I’m not sure if I did 30 or 31 transactions, but it’s somewhere around there. Um, it’s a lot of cards. When you care enough to send the very best….
Since the Hallmark promo at Safeway ends on the 20th, I’m trying to do it as many times as possible before it’s over. I had it worked out that after the $5 off for buying 4 cards, and my 10% discount, that I could buy 4 of the 99 cent cards and have $1.44 left over to pay for whatever I wanted. Naturally, there aren’t many items that are exactly $1.44, so I would get it as close as possible, and just pay a few cents for my items. Well, the other day I messed up – I meant to buy 4 cards, a Yakisoba bowl, and 2 corn muffin mixes, but I only grabbed 1 mix. This would make my total under $5, and I presumed that if you were under the amount of the discount, that it would either go into the red or just not work. But I was wrong, because the register showed simply a zero balance! This means, if you buy 4 cards, but only spend $4.50 altogether, the discount will still come off – it just takes off $4.50 instead of the $5, adjusting the discount down to what you are purchasing.
Well, this opened up all kinds of possibilities, since it’s much easier to come up with combinations of items if it doesn’t have to be so close to $1.44. The result? The majority of my groceries were absolutely free. You can imagine the amazement of the cashiers when I handed over my club card, and suddenly owed nothing! A customer in line behind me exclaimed that I was the smartest shopper he’d ever seen.
I only paid out of pocket for 3 of my 30 (or was it 31?) transactions. I spent .70 cents – but then, I got $1.43 change back in two other transactions! This is because I rolled my ONYOs to pay for the Glade plug-ins, as I get a small profit each time. Well, it got all confusing and I handed over too many, and it showed a negative balance, which she handed me change for as if I had paid in cash and not an ONYO. I did look at the fine print, and the Glade coupon does not say that you cannot receive change from it, as some of the Safeway sponsored ONYOs do. I have heard of other people legitimately receiving change from ONYOs before, so I’m assuming it’s pretty standard – I just hadn’t seen a Safeway catalina that didn’t state “will not give change” before. Anyway, this means that I was reimbursed for the whole .70 cents I spent, plus another .73 cents richer!!
Posted in Safeway | No Comments »
Thursday, September 18th, 2008
Tonight, I used a lot of my Glade ONYOs to pay for those items that so rarely have coupons.

Total spent: $1.99 Total before coupons: $72.80 And I earned back $12 in ONYO coupons for buying more of the Glade plug-ins, plus I earned another gas discount – bringing my total to 17!
View Receipt #1 View Receipt #2
Here’s what I got:
1 bag of organic, fair trade coffee 1 tupperware coffee canister – they were offering these as a free gift to anyone buying Millstone coffee! 1 can of pineapple 1 box of powdered milk 2 packages of cookies 1 dozen cage-free eggs 2 bags of cheese – 4 lbs. altogether 1 jar of Parmesan cheese 1 lb. of butter 1 foil baking pan 6 Glade plug-ins 4 Halloween cards 1 roast pan 2 packages of pepperoni Half a pound of mushrooms 1 onion A pound and a half of tomatoes 1 package of Kotex (not pictured)
I was lucky enough to get a breadmaker today as an early birthday present, and I was very excited to try it out! I decided to use it to make a pizza crust for dinner – that’s what half of this stuff is, toppings for pizza. YUM!
Posted in Produce Deals, Safeway | No Comments »
Wednesday, September 17th, 2008

Total spent: .06 cents Total before coupons: $28.41
I got:
16 cards 4 Hamburger Helpers 4 packets of cornbread mix 2 Yakisoba bowls 1 roll of foil
I had an interesting experience at the store tonight. There are some awesome cashiers at my store, and I know them all pretty well, since it’s a small town. So when I got into the checkout line tonight, the supervisor who was ringing said, “Beeb! I’m so glad you’re here!” Apparently, someone in customer service was concerned about some of my sales. The CS staffer didn’t understand the Hallmark promo, or the 10% discount that I have loaded onto my card. She wanted to watch my transaction being rung up, so she could find out what was happening. When she saw the $5 come off for the Hallmark deal, she furrowed her brow and said, “It’s like we’re paying you to shop here, I don’t understand it.” My total at this point was 2 cents due, so it’s not like I was getting any overage back – I would understand them taking issue with that, since every cashier seems to make their own policy in that regards.
I asked if she would like to come over to the card section with me, and I could show her the sign that they have posted about the promotion. As soon as she saw the “Save $5 on your groceries!” on the sign, she understood. “Oh! Off your groceries!” She said that she had been confused, because she thought the discount was supposed to just be on the cards. I also pointed out the exclusions on the sign, and illustrated how the cards I had purchased were included in the sale. “That’s a great deal!” she said. I also explained how I had gotten the 10% discount – HCW has more info on this offer, as a side note to my readers.
So, I was able to clarify Safeway’s promos to their own customer service reps, and once I did, they understood what a good deal it is – both for the customer, and for Safeway, since they are being reimbursed by Hallmark for it (at least according to this CS rep)!
I guess there was also an issue, because the same supervisor who was checking me out had given me a refund for the 10% earlier in the month, because the register messed up and did not take the discount off. Customer service did not understand what had happened, so I ran home and got my receipts, and brought them back in so that I could show them what had happened and straighten it out. It’s no fair for the cashier to get in trouble for doing her job, and fixing something that did not ring up right. I also don’t like the insinuation that I was doing something wrong, because I am following all the coupon policies correctly and honestly. But I explained all this to Customer Service, and the cashier said that she was so glad that I had saved those receipts!
I’m sharing this story, because I want to illustrate how coupon users can be misunderstood by employees. They may question you if they don’t fully understand coupon redemption rules or in-store savings promotions, but if you explain clearly what you’re doing, it should no longer be an issue.
Posted in Safeway | No Comments »
Tuesday, September 16th, 2008
Here’s my grocery budget totals so far this month.
Grand total spent out of pocket:
This amount has fed two people – and a few guests – since the beginning of September. This also includes household items, like toilet paper, foil, cleaning supplies, etc. But that’s the total spent before factoring in my profit.
Cash profit:
.-72 cents change back from catalina yesterday .-7.29 overage – I still haven’t figured this one out – anybody?!
Subtotal after cash profit: $4.16
But as anyone who’s been following my blog knows, that doesn’t factor in my profit in ONYOs – “On your next order” store coupons. An “ONYO” is a coupon that is good for X amount off your next purchase, which prints out at the register. Special promotions where you can earn these type of coupons happen often. The big one for me this month has been the Safeway promo where you earn a $2 ONYO for every Glade plug-in that you buy. These coupons can be used like cash, for anything in the store (except “prohibited items”, which I believe are alcohol, cigarettes, and stuff like that). Each ONYO promotion works a little differently, but this kind can be “stacked” together, meaning that if you make an $8 purchase, you can use 4 of the $2 coupons, making it free.
So how many ONYOs do I have right now? $78 worth. Meaning that I have spent $4.16 on my groceries this month, and earned back $78 in store credit to buy whatever I want. Not too shabby!
Before I went to Safeway the other night, I headed to the gas station, and spent the last of the cash that was in my wallet. I smiled when I looked down at the thick stack on ONYOs – which I also keep in my wallet – and realized that I didn’t need cash. I went to the store with an empty wallet, and paid for everything in ONYOs and spare change out of my coin purse. It’s truly gratifying to be able to save so drastically – especially when I think back to the beginning of this year, before I discovered the joy of coupons, and would spend $600 to $800 a month on groceries, easily.
Posted in Budget | No Comments »
Tuesday, September 16th, 2008
I continued to take advantage of the Safeway Hallmark deal today, and got some more goodies!
First transaction:

Total spent: .69 cents Total before coupons: $22.43 And I received a coupon for $3.50 off my next purchase!
I got:
4 Halloween cards 5 boxes of Nature Valley bars 3 boxes of Hamburger Helper microwave singles
Safeway is running some great promos on General Mills items right now. If you buy 5 boxes of Nature Valley bars, you receive $5 off your purchase. I combined this with the coupons that appeared in the 8/10 inserts, and got a great deal – especially because you get a $3.50 catalina for every five that you buy! Fantastic, especially because we love these bars anyway. I believe this deal runs through tomorrow, so hurry in if you want a good deal on this! ETA: I read on Hot Coupon World that this promo is actually running through 9/23! Yay! Also, the Hamburger Helper is on sale for $1.99, and there were coupons in the same 8/10 insert for $1 off. As you can see, there were peelies on the box that I didn’t use, because my coupon was better!
Second transaction:

Total spent: -.72 cents!! Total before coupons: $8.65
So after the Hallmark card discount, my total was about $2.78. I have all those Glade ONYOs for $2 off, so I proceeded to hand one to the cashier. “Ok, so, you get 72 cents back!” she said cheerfully. “How’s that?!” I said, bemused. “Well, this coupon is for $3.50 off…” OOPS! I grabbed the wrong coupon out of my wallet! “Oh, I’m so sorry, I thought I handed you a $2 coupon! Here, let me get the right one,” I replied apologetically. “Oh, that’s OK,” she said. “You can use it. It’s a store coupon. You’ll just get change back.” Uh, OK then, works for me! As far as I was aware, Safeway ONYOs usually state “No change will be given”. I didn’t have a chance to look at the fine print on the $3.50 off coupon, so I don’t know if it was different, or what. Anyway, this effectively paid for my previous purchase, with a 3 cent profit to boot!
This time, I got:
4 Halloween cards 1 pair of washing up gloves half a pound of sugar snap peas
Third transaction:

Total spent: .06 cents Total before coupons: $5.62
And I still had that 3 cents left over in profit from the last transaction…so essentially, all of today’s groceries were only 3 cents. Nice!!
I got:
4 Halloween cards 1 Ramen Yakisoba bowl – one of the most delicious ways to spend overage! 2 Betty Crocker corn muffin mix – these are reduced to .33 cents each, which is a great price even without coupons, and makes them a good filler item.
Posted in Produce Deals, Safeway | No Comments »